Chineses serão os maiores utilizadores de Internet em 2015

Sunday, September 30, 2012

From here in Portuguese:

The Chinese will be the biggest users of the Internet in 2015, surpassing even users of the English language. The conclusion is from a study made by the Broadband Commission of the United Nations.

The predictions are made taking into account the annual growth rates in different countries and different languages. In May 2011 there were 565 million English Internet users and 510 million Chinese. The two languages are, by far, the most represented online - English by the universality of the language, Chinese by its population.

The number of Internet users in China has grown thanks to smartphones, where one finds half of world sales of smartphones. In contrast, only 12% of Chinese have broadband connections at home.

The UN study shows Portuguese as the fifth most represent language on the Internet. Spanish and Japanese are in third and fourth.

Now let's see if we can find that it is (PDF). And...looks like they just got the numbers from internetworldstats, what a disappointment. Internetworldstats doesn't really update their top internet languages anymore, and only taking into account the top ten leaves you with a huge number of "other" languages that is only surpassed by English and Chinese. At least some parts of the rest of it (Section 4, Annex 1 for example) are interesting.


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