Independent MP Pierre Curzi wants to strengthen the Quebec Charter of the French Language

Monday, April 09, 2012

From here in French a bit over a week ago:

Independent MP Pierre Curzi filed a bill in Quebec that significantly changes the Quebec Charter of the French Language adopted in 1977 by the government of René Lévesque.

Concerned about the anglicization of the region of Montreal, he believes that one must reverse the current trend. For this, he proposes that French be declared the common language, that company names must also have a generic French name (e.g. Les magasins Canadian Tire) and that a company obtains a certificate of conformity with the Charter in order to get public contracts.

The bill would also lower the number of employees needed for the Charter to apply to a company from 50 to 25.

The private member's bill has little chance of being called, but Pierre Curzi believes that it will at least serve as the basis for a public discussion, especially in terms of the future of the French language in Montreal. "In less than 20 years, the number of people who use French at home will fall to 43% in the greater region of Montreal. In other words, the greater Montreal area will become a bilingual region in fact. There is an urgent need to act." he said in a press conference.

Amir Khadir from Québec solidaire welcomed the presentation of the bill, which incorporates many proposals of his party. The Parti québécois also welcomed the initiative.


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