Grammar of Occidental/Interlingue in Occidental translated into English: part 11

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Here's part 11 of the English translation of the Haas grammar on Occidental in Occidental (from here) that I'm doing mostly for my own benefit. Tons of suffixes today, and many more left.

Verbal sufixes.

Verbal suffixes.

§ 134. Finale -ar. Omni modern formationes de verbes fini per -ar, ne per -ir e ne per -er. Li maxim mult verbes es derivat de altri paroles per li ínmediat derivation, to es per adjunter li finale del infinitive -ar, sin sufix.

Ti verbes derivat have divers significationes:

1) de objectes, materiales, abstractes: provider per: coronar, armar, motivar.

2) de utensiles, instrumentes: usar, tractar per: brossar, martellar.

3) de organic productes: secreer it: lactar, ovar, sanguar.

4) de persones e entes: acter quam: dominar, serpentar.

5) de adjectives e participies (sovente con prepositiones): far tal: plenar, siccar, exsiccar, abellar, calentar, sedentar.

In mult casus existe altri relationes internationalmen conosset: beson, besonar, cure, curar, risca, riscar, don, donar, matur, maturar.

§ 134. Final -ar. All modern verb formations finish with -ar, not with -ir and not with -er. Most verbs are derived from other words with indirect* derivation, i.e. through adding the -ar ending of the infinitive, without suffix.

Those derived verbs have diverse meanings:

1) of objects, materials, abstracts: provide with: coronar (coronate), armar (arm), motivar (motivate).

2) of utensils, instruments: use, handle with: brossar (brush), martellar (hammer).

3) of organic products: secrete: lactar (lactate), ovar (lay eggs/spawn), sanguar (bleed).

4) of people and creatures: act as: dominar (dominate), serpentar (creep).

5) of adjectives and participles (frequently with prepositions): act in such a manner: plenar (fill), siccar (dry), exsiccar (wizen*), abellar (embellish), calentar (heat), sedentar (seat).

In many cases there are other internationally-known relations: beson, besonar (need), cure, curar, (cure) risca, riscar (risk), don (gift), donar (give), matur, maturar (mature).

§ 135. Altri verbal finales.

-isar: far tal, far quam: electrisar, idealisar, canalisar, terrorisar, rivalisar, judeisar.

-ificar: far tal, constatar quam: verificar, simplificar, mumificar, pacificar. forma anc adjectives: pacific, magnific, specific.

-ijar: devenir, far se: verdijar, rubijar.

-ear: statu dinamic de vade e retro: flammear, verdear, undear.

§ 135. Other verbal endings.

-isar: act in a manner / as: electrisar (electrify), idealisar (idealize), canalisar (canonize*), terrorisar (terrorize), rivalisar (rivalise), judeisar (judaize).

-ificar: act in a manner*: verificar (verify), simplificar (simplify), mumificar (mummify), pacificar (pacify). Also forms adjectives:: pacific, magnific, specific.

-ijar: become, make oneself: verdijar (turn green*), rubijar (blush).

-ear: dynamic state of coming and going: flammear (blaze), verdear, undear (undulate).

§ 136. Sufixes por verbal substantives.

a) adjuntet al tema perfectic secun § 80:

-ion: action, anc resultat e loc de it: administration, expedition, construction, distribution, explosion.

-or: actent person, cose o factor: administrator, expeditor, distributor, constructor, ventilator, compressor, divisor.

-ura: concretisat action e su resultate: reparatura, garnitura, lectura, creatura.

§ 136. Suffixes for verbal nouns.

a) added to the perfect theme as with § 80:

-ion: action, also result and location of it: administration, expedition, construction, distribution, explosion.

-or: acting person, thing or factor: administrator, expeditor, distributor, constructor, ventilator, compressor, divisor.

-ura: concrete action or its result: reparatura, garnitura, lectura, creatura.

b) adjuntet al tema presentic secun § 84:

-ment: concret action o su resultate, o servient a, servient quam: fundament, nutriment, movement.

b) added to the present theme as with § 84:

-ment: concrete action or its result, or serving to / serving as: fundament, nutriment, movement.

c) adjuntet al radica verbal secun § 85:

-ida (verbes in -ar: -ada): action in durada: promenada, perdida, currida.

c) added to the verbal root as with § 85:

-ida (verbs in -ar: -ada): continuing action: promenada, perdida, currida.

d) adjuntet al participie presentic secun § 82:

-ie: statú in durada: tolerantie, provenientie, existentie.

d) added to the present participle as with § 82:

-ie: continuing state: tolerantie, provenientie, existentie.

§ 137. Personal sufixes.

-er-: person professional: molinero, lavera, librero, vitrero.

-ist: person ocupant se pri, adherente de: calvinist, socialist, librist, telegrafista.

-or: cp. § 136.

-ari-: person caracterisat per alquó external, p. ex. un function: millionario, functionaria, bibliotecario, pensionaria.

-on: person caracterisat per un intern o natural qualitá: dormon, savagion, spiona, pedon.

-ard: persones con mal qualitá: falsard, dinamitard, mentard.

-astr-: persones de valore interiori: medicastro, poetastra.

-es-: habitante (anc adjectivic): francese, franceso, francesa, francesi, borgeso.

-ane, -ano, -ana: cp. § 140.

-essa: féminas con special dignitá o function: princessa, diaconessa, actressa, imperatressa.

-ell: yun animale: agnell, leonello.

§ 137. Personal sufifxes.

-er-: professional person: molinero, lavera, librero, vitrero.

-ist: person occupying themself with, adherent of: calvinist, socialist, librist, telegrafista.

-or: cp. § 136.

-ari-: person characterized by something external, ex. a function: millionario, functionaria, bibliotecario, pensionaria.

-on: person characterized by an internal or natural quality: dormon, savagion, spiona, pedon.

-ard: people with a bad quality: falsard, dinamitard, mentard.

-astr-: people with internal value: medicastro, poetastra.

-es-: inhabitant (also adjectival): francese, franceso, francesa, francesi, borgeso.

-ane, -ano, -ana: cp. § 140.

-essa: women with special dignity or function: princessa, diaconessa, actressa, imperatressa.

-ell: young animal: agnell, leonello.

§ 138. Qualitativ sufixes.

-ie: abstract substantives, statu (cp. § 82, 136): anatomie, maladie, elegantie, existentie, furie, tirannie.

-itá (-etá, si li radica fini per i): qualitá: homanitá, yunitá, quantitá, proprietá, ebrietá.

-ore: de verbes: statu, de adjectives: qualitá mesurabil: amore, terrore, calore, longore, grandore.

-esse: pregnant qualitá o statu: altesse, grandesse, finesse, yunesse, delicatesse.

§ 138. Qualitative suffixes.

-ie: abstract nouns, state (cp. § 82, 136): anatomie, maladie, elegantie, existentie, furie, tirannie.

-itá (-etá, if the root ends with i): quality: homanitá, yunitá, quantitá, proprietá, ebrietá.

-ore: of verbs: state, of adjectives: measurable quality: amore, terrore, calore, longore, grandore.

-esse: pregnant quality or state: altesse, grandesse, finesse, yunesse, delicatesse.

§ 139. Local e colectiv sufixes.

-ia: loc, land: dormitoria, Germania, dominia, abatia.

-eríe: profession e su productes (-er + -ie), metaforicmen anc maniere de acter, caractere: vitreríe, potteríe, bigotteríe, diaboleríe.

-ería: loc de profession (-er + -ia): librería, juvelería, vitrería.

-iera: vast loc contenent alquo: torfiera, pisciera, rosiera.

-iere: vase etc. contenent alquo: incriere, tabaciere, butoniere.

-iero: portant alquo: rosiero, candeliero, pomiero.

-atu: institution o situation social o legal, dignitá, anc loc, témpor o dominia de it: viduatu, proletariatu, secretariatu, califatu, episcopatu.

-uore: loc, utensil: trottuore, lavuore, reservuore, tiruore.

-ade: multitá, serie, contenida: colonade, boccade, olimpiade.

-allia: colectives sin órdine, o despreciativ: antiquallia, ferrallia, canallia.

-age: colectives con órdine, coses fat de: foliage, plumage, boscage, tonnage, plantage, lanage, linage.

de verbes: activitá, precipue industrial o professional, anc su resultate, loc o témpor, anc li custas por it: rafinage, abordage, luage, viage, doanage.

-arium: colection ordinat, precipue scientic o tecnic: herbarium, planetarium, aquarium, rosarium.

-ité (-eté, si li radica fini per i); totalité de persones o coses: homanité, yunité, societé.

-un: singul exemplare: grelun, sablun, scalun.

§ 139. Local and colective suffixes.

-ia: location, land: dormitoria, Germania, dominia, abatia.

-eríe: profession and its products (-er + -ie), metaphorically also manner of an actor, character: vitreríe, potteríe, bigotteríe, diaboleríe.

-ería: location of a profession (-er + -ia): librería, juvelería, vitrería.

-iera: vast location containing something: torfiera, pisciera, rosiera.

-iere: vase etc. containing something: incriere, tabaciere, butoniere.

-iero: carrying something: rosiero, candeliero, pomiero.

-atu: institution or situation social or legal, dignity, also its location, time or domain: viduatu, proletariatu, secretariatu, califatu, episcopatu.

-uore: location utensil: trottuore, lavuore, reservuore, tiruore.

-ade: multitude, series, content: colonade, boccade, olimpiade.

-allia: collectives without order, or depreciative: antiquallia, ferrallia, canallia.

-age: collectives with order, things made by: foliage, plumage, boscage, tonnage, plantage, lanage, linage.

of verbs: activity, mainly industrial or professional, also its result, location or time, also its expenses*: rafinage, abordage, luage, viage, doanage.

-arium: ordered collection, mostly scientific or technical: herbarium, planetarium, aquarium, rosarium.

-ité (-eté, if the root finishes with i); totality of people or things: homanité, yunité, societé.

-un: single example: grelun, sablun, scalun.


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