New blog in Lingua Franca Nova - "me pensa"

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Flag of Nova Roma, international Roman revivalist movement created in 1998

A new blog in Lingua Franca Nova has just been started, and it's located here. The second post is a relatively long one about micronations, some five paragraphs or so. Here's a sample:
Sealand es un micronasion en un plataforma militar de la du gera mundal, se cuantia de popla es de 27 persones e se lingua es la engles. Esta “pais” es un monarcia constitual e se monarca es Roy Bates. En 2006 esta ia es destruida per la foco ma reconstruida pos la foco.
Translation (if you don't already understand it): Sealand is a micronation on a military platform from the second world war, its population is 27 people and its language is English. This "country" is a constitutional monarchy and its monarchy is Roy Bates. In 2006 it was destroyed by fire but was reconstructed after the fire.

You'll notice that LFN often uses simple expressions on purpose. It's not a philosophical language per se, but it has a general overriding philosophy that simplicity and clarity is better.

Anyway, visit the blog and leave a message in LFN if you can. If you want to learn LFN you can do so here.


Anonymous said...

Grasias! me es felis de vider esta mesaje. Me ta gusta parlar con tu, Es ce tu ave eposta?

Asta la ora!

Javier Ignacio said...

Grasias! me es felis de vider esta mesaje. Me ta gusta parlar con tu, Es ce tu ave eposta?

Asta la ora!

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