26 July 2009 (4 Mordad): protests in front of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting

Monday, July 27, 2009

A relatively small but vocal protest has been uploaded to YouTube and thus far has almost no views, but deserves much more attention given that assuming the date is correct it is proof that protests happened on the street yesterday as well.

The location given is in front of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (AKA Sima or Seda) on Vali Asr avenue, which is right here:

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As for the kind of news being broadcast by IRIB - it continues to do little more than stick its head in the sand and pretend that what's actually happening isn't happening. President says this, Iran as it is is awesome that, Supreme Leader says do this, etc. Here are their headlines for today.

Some other videos from the same protest:

Finally, night chants from yesterday.

The headline being shown on the newspaper there can be seen here, and proves the date (3 Mordad 1388 = 26 July 2009).


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