BBC Persian videos now available on YouTube

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Well, a few videos at least. Just like their Spanish language service on YouTube this one also seems to have pretty sporadic content and if you want to actually watch a whole broadcast you have to go directly to their site. It's not bad for those learning Persian though as YouTube is an easier format as far as system resources go, and more people are used to using it. It looks nice in HD too. I'd like to say that another advantage is being able to embed it in your blog or your site, but BBC disables embedding of videos they upload to YouTube so you can't do that.

Right now there is a total of nine videos on their channel. One example is this one, on the recent news of Robert Gates' changes made to the US defence budget.

An article here also goes over the new YouTube channel but there's nothing really there out of the ordinary so I shan't be quoting it here.


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