Grammar of Occidental/Interlingue in Occidental translated into English: part 4

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Here's part 4 of the English translation of the Haas grammar on Occidental in Occidental (from here) that I'm doing mostly for my own benefit. I never knew about being able to put -ye on the end of verbs in rare cases for the subjunctive, for example.

0 null 1 un 2 du 3 tri 4 quar 5 quin 6 six 7 sett 8 ott 9 nin 10 deci 11 deciun 12 decidu 13 decitri 14 deciquar 15 deciquin ... 19 decinin 20 duant 21 duantun 22 duantdu . .. 30 triant 40 quarant 50 quinant 60 sixant ... 90 ninant . . . 99 ninantnin 100 cent 101 cent un 102 centdu... 110 centdeci 111 cent deciun ... 119 cent decinin 120 cent duant 121 cent duantun ... 130 cent triant ... 199 cent niantnin 200 ducent 201 ducent un ... 210 ducent deci 300 tricent ... 999 nincent ninantnin 1000 mill 1001 mill un ... 1099 mill ninantnin 1100 mill cent 1101 mill cent un ... 1999 mill nincent ninantnin 2000 du mill 2001 du mill un . . . 2345 du mill tricent quarantquin . . . 99000 ninantnin mill ... 100 000 cent mill ... 100 999 cent mill nincent ninantnin 200000 ducent mill ... 201 000 ducent un mill . . . 299 999 ducent ninantnin mill nincent ninantnin . . .
456 789 quarcent quinantsix mill settcent ottantnin ... 1 000 000 un million 1000001 un million un . . . 2000000 du milliones ...
mill milliones = un milliard
un million milliones = un billion
1 000000 = un million
1 000 0002 = 1 000000000000 = un billion
1 000 0003 = un million billiones = un trillion
1 000 0004 = un million trilliones = un quadrillion
0 null 1 un 2 du 3 tri 4 quar 5 quin 6 six 7 sett 8 ott 9 nin 10 deci 11 deciun 12 decidu 13 decitri 14 deciquar 15 deciquin ... 19 decinin 20 duant 21 duantun 22 duantdu . .. 30 triant 40 quarant 50 quinant 60 sixant ... 90 ninant . . . 99 ninantnin 100 cent 101 cent un 102 centdu... 110 centdeci 111 cent deciun ... 119 cent decinin 120 cent duant 121 cent duantun ... 130 cent triant ... 199 cent niantnin 200 ducent 201 ducent un ... 210 ducent deci 300 tricent ... 999 nincent ninantnin 1000 mill 1001 mill un ... 1099 mill ninantnin 1100 mill cent 1101 mill cent un ... 1999 mill nincent ninantnin 2000 du mill 2001 du mill un . . . 2345 du mill tricent quarantquin . . . 99000 ninantnin mill ... 100 000 cent mill ... 100 999 cent mill nincent ninantnin 200000 ducent mill ... 201 000 ducent un mill . . . 299 999 ducent ninantnin mill nincent ninantnin . . .
456 789 quarcent quinantsix mill settcent ottantnin ... 1 000 000 un million 1000001 un million un . . . 2000000 du milliones ...
mill milliones = un milliard
un million milliones = un billion
1 000000 = un million
1 000 0002 = 1 000000000000 = un billion
1 000 0003 = un million billiones = un trillion
1 000 0004 = un million trilliones = un quadrillion

§ 57. Li númeres ordinal es format per adjunter li finale: -esim. unesim (apu prim), duesim (apu secund), triesim, etc.

§ 57. Ordinal numbers are formed by adding to the end: -esim. unesim (also prim), duesim (also secund), triesim, etc.

§ 58. Li númeres fractionari es egal al ordinales, ma ordinarimen on vicea li unesim quar per: un tot, un demí, un ters, un quart.

du ters, tri quart, quar quinesim, etc.

§ 58. Fractional numbers are the same as ordinals, but ordinarily one replaces the first four with: un tot (whole), un demí (half), un ters (third), un quart (quarter).

du ters, tri quart, quar quinesim, etc.

§ 59. Li fractiones decimal es pronunciat

3,78349 = tri comma sett ott tri quar nin,
0,25 = null comma du quin.

§ 59. Decimal fractions are pronunced

3,78349 = tri comma sett ott tri quar nin,
0,25 = null comma du quin.

§ 60. Li numerales multiplicativ es format per adjunter li finale
-uplic (pos vocales: -plic):

unuplic (simplic), duplic, triplic, quaruplic (quadruplic), quinuplic (quintuplic), sixuplic, settuplic, ottuplic, ninuplic, deciplic, deciunuplic, deciduplic, duantuplic, centuplic, centunuplic, etc.

§ 60. Multiple numbers are formed by adding the final -uplic (after vowels: -plic):

unuplic (simplic), duplic, triplic, quaruplic (quadruplic), quinuplic (quintuplic), sixuplic, settuplic, ottuplic, ninuplic, deciplic, deciunuplic, deciduplic, duantuplic, centuplic, centunuplic, etc.

(single, double, triple, quadruple, etc...)

§ 61. Li numerales iterativ es format per: vez.

du vez o duvez, tri vez, centvez, mult vez o multvez o mult vezes.

§ 61. Iterative numbers are formed with: vez.

du vez o duvez, tri vez, centvez, mult vez o multvez o mult vezes.

(two times, three times, etc...)

§ 62. Li numerales colectiv es format per li finale: -ene.

li unité, pare, triene, quarene, quinene, decene, deciduene, centene.

§ 62. Collective numbers are formed with the final: -ene.

li unité, pare, triene, quarene, quinene, decene, deciduene, centene.

(pair, trio, dozen, etc.... most collective numbers do not exist in English however)

§ 63. Altri numeral expressiones es p. ex.:

chascun triesim vez, tri e tri, quar e quar. Li soldates marcha quar e quar.

§ 63. Other numeral expressions are for example:

chascun triesim vez, tri e tri, quar e quar. Li soldates marcha quar e quar.

(every third time, three and three, four and four. The soldiers march four and (by) four.)

§ 64. Calcul aritmetic.

Addition: 12 + 10 = 22 decidu plus deci es duantdu.

Subtraction: 21 - 3 = 18 duantun minus tri es deciott.

Multiplication: 3 x 8 = 24 tri vez ott, o tri multiplicat per ott, o tri per ott es duantquar.

Division: 69 : 3 = 23 sixantnin sur tri, o dividet per tri es duanttri.

§ 64. Arithmetic.

Addition: 12 + 10 = 22 decidu plus deci es duantdu.

Subtraction: 21 - 3 = 18 duantun minus tri es deciott.

Multiplication: 3 x 8 = 24 tri vez ott, or tri multiplicat per ott, or tri per ott es duantquar.

Division: 69 : 3 = 23 sixantnin sur tri, or dividet per tri es duanttri.

Potentiation: 62 = 36 six quadrat, o six in duesim potentie, o six in duesim es triantsix.
23 = 8 du in cub, o du in triesim potentie, o du in triesim es ott.
Powers: 62 = 36 six quadrat, or six in duesim potentie, or six in duesim es triantsix.
23 = 8 du in cub, or du in triesim potentie, or du in triesim es ott.
Radication: sqri (49) = 7 radica quadratic, o duesim radica ex quarantnin es sett.Square root: sqrt (49) = 7 radica quadratic, or duesim radica ex quarantnin es sett.
(cube root) 8 = 2 radica cubic, o triesim radica de ott es du.(cube root) 8 = 2 radica cubic, or triesim radica de ott es du.
§ 65. In Interlingue existe un sol e unitari conjugation per adjuntion de cert consonantes al tema presentic.§ 65. In Interlingue there is a single and unitary* conjugation for adding certain consonants to the present theme.
§ 66. Li tema presentic es format per adjunter un del tri vocales (a, i, e) al tema verbal (radica plus prefixes e sufixes). Ti vocal es caracteristic por chascun verb e resta ínvariabil in omni formes del conjugation.§ 66. The present theme is formed by adding one of the three vowels (a, i, e) to the verbal theme (root plus prefixes and suffixes). This vowel is characteristic for each verb and remains unchanged in all forms of conjugation.
Tema verbal:
Verbal theme:
Tema presentic:
Present theme:
Li concernent vocal caracteristic apari in omni formes del conjugation; on posse dunc basar li tot conjugation sur li tema presentic, e far li distinctiones solmen per li final consonantes, identic por li tri gruppes de verbes.This characteristic vowel appears in all forms of conjucation; one can therefore base all conjugation on the present theme, and make distinctions only by final consonants, identical for the three groups of verbs.
§67. Li unesim, duesim e triesim person, singulare e plurale, es distinctet solmen per li pronómin; li verb self resta ínmutat.§67. The first, second and third person, singular and plural, are distinguished only by the pronoun; the verb itself remains unchanged.
§68. Li infinitive es format per adjunter -r al tema presentic:
§68. The infinitive is formed by adding -r to the present theme:
§ 69. Li presente es egal al tema presentic:
yo fabrica
tu expedi
il constructe
§ 69. The presente is equal to the present theme:
yo fabrica
tu expedi
il constructe
Li verb esser have un special abreviat form del presente: es, vice esse, pro su grand frequentitá.The verb esser has a special abbreviated form for the present: es, instead of esse, due to its large frequency.
§ 70. Li participie passat (anc participie passiv) es format per adjunter -t al tema presentic:
§ 70. The past participle (also passive participle) is formed by adding -t to the present theme:
Li participie passat es usat anc quam passate simplic:
noi fabricat
vu expedit
ili constructet
The past participle is also used as the simple past:
noi fabricat
vu expedit
ili constructet
§ 71. Omni composit témpores passat es format per li verb auxiliari har. lli indica actiones terminat.§ 71. All composite past tense is formed by the auxiliary verb har. It indicates actions that have terminated.
Li passate composit es:
yo ha fabricat
tu ha expedit il
ha constructet
The composite past is:
yo ha fabricat (I have made)
tu ha expedit (you have sent)
il ha constructet (he has constructed)
Li passate anteriori es:
noi hat fabricat vu hat expedit ili hat constructet
The anterior past is:
noi hat fabricat (we had made)
vu hat expedit (you had sent)
ili hat constructet (they had constructed)
§ 72. Li future simplic es format per li auxiliare va:
il va fabricar
ella va expedir
on va constructer

§ 72. The simple future is formed by the auxiliary va:
il va fabricar (he will make)
ella va expedir (she will send)
on va constructer (one will construct)

Li future anteriori es:
yo va har fabricat tu va har expedit il va har constructet
The anterior future is:
yo va har fabricat (I will have made)
tu va har expedit (you will have sent)
il va har constructet (he will have constructed)
§ 73. Li conditionale simplic es format per li auxiliare vell:
noi vell laborar vu vell expedir ili vell constructer
§ 73. The simple conditional is formed by the auxiliary vell:
noi vell laborar (we would work)
vu vell expedir (you would send)
ili vell constructer (they would construct)
Li conditionale passat es:
il vell har fabricat
il vell har expedit
ili vell har constructet
The past conditional is:
il vell har fabricat (he would have made)
il vell har expedit (he would have sent)
ili vell har constructet (they would have constructed)
§ 74. Li participie presentic (anc participie activ) es format per adjunter -nt al tema presentic:
§ 74. The present participle (also active participle) is formed by adding -nt to the present theme:
Li verbes con -i prende -ent vice -nt por retrovar li derivates international, p. ex. convenientie, provenientie.Verbs with -i take -ent instead of -nt to recover* international forms, for example convenientie, provenientie.
Li adverbial form es usat quam gerundie (= durant que o per to que) per adjunter -e:
The adverbial form is used as a gerund (= while or by that) by adding -e:
Existe anc formes progressiv:
il es fabricant
il es expedient
il es constructent
There are also progressive forms:
il es fabricant (he is making)
il es expedient (he is sending)
il es constructent (he is constructing)
§75. Li imperative es egal al presente sin pronómin:
§75. The imperative is the same as the present without the pronoun:
Del verb esser on prende li complet form: esse.From the verb esser one takes the complete form: esse.
Existe un form de politesse per ples (de pleser) con infinitive:
please fabricar
ples expedir
ples constructer
There is a polite form with ples (from pleser) with the infinitive:
ples fabricar
ples expedir
ples constructer
§ 76. Li optative es format per mey con infinitive:
il mey fabricar
il mey expedir
il mey constructer
§ 76. The optative is with mey with the infinitive:
il mey fabricar (he may make)
il mey expedir (he may send)
il mey constructer (he may construct)
li hortative per lass:
lass nos fabricar
lass nos expedir
lass nos constructer
The hortative with lass:
lass nos fabricar
lass nos expedir
lass nos constructer
§ 77. Li formes passiv es format per li verb auxiliari esser:
it es perlaborat
ili esset perlaborat
it ha esset perlaborat

ili hat esset expedit
it va esser expedit
ili va har esset expedit

it vell esser constructet
ili vell har esset constructet
it mey esser constructet
§ 77. Passive forms are formed with the auxiliary verb esser:
it es perlaborat (it is transformed*)
ili esset perlaborat (they were transformed*)
it ha esset perlaborat (it has been transformed*)

ili hat esset expedit (they had been sent)
it va esser expedit (it will be sent)
ili va har esset expedit (they will have been sent)

it vell esser constructet (it would be constructed)
ili vell har esset constructet (they would have been constructed)
it mey esser constructet (it may be constructed)
Ti maniere formar li passive es comun al maxim mult lingues national. Ma quelcvez it es necessi distincter, ca un action dura ancor o es ja finit. In ti casus on usa altri verbes, p. ex.:
Li dom ea constructet.
Li dom sta constructet.
Li libre eat printat.
Li libre stat printat.

This manner of forming the passive is common to most national languages. But sometimes it is necessary to distinguish if an action is still going or is finished. In those cases one uses other verbs, for example:
Li dom ea constructet. (The house is being constructed)
Li dom sta constructet. (The house stands/is constructed)
Li libre eat printat. (The book was being printed)
Li libre stat printat. (The book was (stood) printed.)

In mult casus li passive posse esser expresset per substantives o per li form reflexiv:In many cases the passive can be expressed by nouns or the reflexive form:
Li dom es in construction.
Li libre esset in printation.
Li jurnal printa se rapid.
Li cose explica se simplicmen.
Li dom es in construction. (The house is in/under construction)
Li libre esset in printation. (The book was being printed)
Li jurnal printa se rapid. (The journal prints quickly*)
Li cose explica se simplicmen. (The thing explains itself simply (It's self-explanatory*))
§ 78. Vice li subjuntive on usa in general li indicative. Solmen in rar casus exceptional (p. ex. in juristic documentes) on posse usar un form subjuntivic per adjunter -ye al presente del verb o del verb auxiliari:
Il di que il la amaye.
Il dit que il la haye amat.

§ 78. In place of the subjuntive one in general uses the indicative. Only in rare exceptional cases (ex. in legal documents) one can use a form of the subjunctive by adding -ye to the present of the verb or the auxiliary verb:
Il di que il la amaye. (He says that he would love* her)
Il dit que il la haye amat.
(He said that he would have* loved her)


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