Where to get news on the Icelandic financial crisis in English

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Krónan hefur fallið um 3 prósent í dag.

Very interesting site here: it was started by an Icelandic woman who lost her job as a result of the crisis and now considers her job to be translating Icelandic articles into English to give others further insight into the crisis. It also happens to serve as a good site for those learning the language. One example from the top post at the moment:
Gengisvísitalan stendur í 250 stigum og hefur aldrei verið hærri. Gengið hefur fallið um tæp þrjú prósent í morgun en krónan var sett á flot á föstudag. Samkvæmt vef Glitnis er gengi bandaríkjadollars 147 krónur, evru 186 krónur og breska pundsins 221 króna.
which has been translated as:
The currency index rate is 250 points and has never been this high. The currency has dropped almost 3 percent this morning, but the krona was floated on Friday. According to the web of Glitnir the USD is 147 kronur, and the Euro 186 kronur and the GBP 221 kronur.

I hope she keeps this up, even after the crisis has ended.


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