One of the better jobs out there

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A new Assassin's Creed has just come out and this one is based in Paris at the time of the revolution, and one person's job working for Ubisoft was to delve through the historical archives to reconstruct Paris as it was at the time.

Et dans la mesure où rien ou presque ne persiste du Paris du 18e siècle, l'historien a dû tout reconstruire de zéro:

«[...] prendre des archives, des peintures, des gravures... C'était mon boulot. Leur montrer tout ce que nous avions en terme de culture visuelle. Pour être capable de le reconstuire.»
It ranks up there with whoever is in charge of making a trip to Slovenia from Slovakia or vice versa every months to exchange the mistakenly delivered mail.


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