Readlang now available in Estonian

Monday, April 14, 2014

I've been meaning to mention this for about two weeks now - now has Estonian as one of its options (upon my request). I haven't been able to use it yet for Estonian, but will when I get the time.

More interesting than that though is this post by Steve Ridout, the creator of the site, on exactly how it was created, how many people have subscribed, number of visitors, amount of revenue raised, everything. It's a very long read.

One other thing I noticed a few days ago is that vocabulary is now sorted by source, so if you want to go over all the vocab learned in Book A and not Book B, then you can do that now. I think I will start naming the text I paste in now, because at the moment I usually just hit a bunch of letters for the title, read the text, click on words I don't know, and delete it after I'm done and the words I want to see later are in the system. Now of course I don't remember what bbbbb, eee, and eeeeeeeeeeee were actually about.


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