Beijing University of International Business and Economics opens Centre of Portuguese Language Country Studies

Saturday, January 21, 2012

From here today in Portuguese:

A ceremony today (16 January) at the University of International Business and Economics
in Beijing marked the inauguration of the Centre of Portuguese Language Country Studies.

The centre is the first non-governmental and non-profit institution in China directed exclusively to academic studies of Portuguese-language studies. The initiative's objective is to promote cooperation between China and Lusophone countries.

With the support of officials, specialists and business people connected to Portuguese-language countries, the centre will attempt to be a think tank for questions and analyses of specific themes.
And a bit from here which mentions Macau:
The aim is to "promote friendship, cooperation and exchange between China and Lusophone countries, with the best support of specialists and scholars from the interior of China and taking advantage of Macau as a platform", the institution announced in a statement.


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