Mondial example sentences, part 9: How I spend my day, in town.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Taking a look at the Mondial conversations it looks like we'll be finished them with tomorrow's update. Today's two situations include the longest paragraph in the entire set of example sentences when whoever it is describes his day.

Hopefully I'll get a page done in the dictionary today too, we'll see if I find the time...


Come yo pasa mi dia. -- How I spend my day.

Come pasa tu tui dia? -- How do you spend your day?

Cuando yo evelia me, yo sola levar me sitosto, demitar mi pijama i mitar mi robe de chambre i mi pantufles. Poi yo anda prendar un duche, rasa me i lava me, dopo coi yo brosa mi dentes i peina mi capiles devan le specle. Dopo har netate mi aparate da rasar i finate mi toilete, yo vesta me i prenda un taza de cafe (te, chocolate, un vitre de lacte) i un tartin (pane rostate con marmelada). Alor yo e preste da sortar por comenzar mi travalie. -- When I wake, I usually get up at once, take off my pyjamas, and put on my dressing-gown and my slippers. Then I go and take a shower, I shave and wash, after which I brush my teeth and comb my hair in front of the glass. After having cleaned my safety razor and finished my toilet, I dress and drink a cup of coffee (tea, chocolate, a glass of milk) and eat a piece of bread and butter (toast and marmalade. Then I am ready to go out and begin work.

Cuando comenza tu tui travalie? -- When do you start work?

A nove horas i medi. -- At half past nine.

Come longuemente travalia tu? -- How long do you work?

A un hora yo revena a casa por dejunar. Dopo le dejuner (lunche) (que consista in oves i jambon (gruel de avena), cafe, pane i confitur) yo fuma un cigar (cigarete, mi pipa) i lecta le jurnales, i poi yo returna a mi travalie. -- At one o'clock I go home for lunch. After lunch (breakfast) which consists of eggs and ham (porridge), coffee, bread and jam) I smoke a cigar (a cigarette, my pipe) and read the newspapers, and then I go back to work again.

Cuando fina tu tui travalie? -- When do you stop work?

A cuin horas, i cuando yo ha finate lo, yo returna a casa por reposar me un poco avan le diner. -- At five o'clock, and when I have finished it, I return home and rest a while before dinner.

Dina tu a sexe horas? -- Do you dine at six o'clock?

Si, mas sovente. Dopo le diner yo scriba in general algue letres i esculta le radio o regarda le television. -- Yes, usually. After dinner I generally write some letters and listen to the radio or watch television.

Coi fa tu le sera? -- What do you do in the evening?

Yo resta in casa i lecta un libre, o yo fa un promenada o anda al cinema. Avoltes yo visita (e invitate a) algue amicos. -- I stay at home and read a book, or I take a walk or go to the cinema. Sometimes I pay a visit (am invited) to friends.

Cuando supa tu? -- When do you have supper?

Yo prenda mi super a nove o dece horas, i poi yo devesta me i cucha me. -- I have supper at nine or ten o'clock, and then I undress and go to bed.

In le citá -- In town

Perdon, povaria vu dicar me u le museo e situate? -- I beg your pardon, could you tell me where the museum is (situated)?

Anda cil strada fin al eclesia, traversa le ponte i le place, prenda poi le primer strada a sinestre (destre). -- Walk along this street as far as the church, cross the bridge and the square, then take the first street to the left (right).

E le museo al angle del strada? -- Is the museum on the corner of the street?

No, il e (vu trova lo) derier le casa municipal. -- No, it is (you will find it) behind the town hall.

Gracie. Sava tu cuando le museo e uvrate? -- Thank you. Do you know when the museum is open?

Si, de un hora a tri horas chascun dia, exepte le lundi. -- Yes, from one to two o'clock every day, except Monday.

E lo algo altro da vidar in le citá? -- Is there anything else to see in the town?

Si, avan tuto le castel, cui tore vu vida la via. Il trova se in le centre del citá i e inturnate da le fluve que pasa le citá. -- Yes, above all the castle whose tower you see over there. It is in the centre of the town, and is surrounded by the river which runs through the town.

Lo e muste autos sur le chosea. Lo e presque perilose da traversar lo. -- There are a lot of motor cars on the roadway. It is quite dangerous to cross it.

Si, vu ha razon. On deva restar sur le trotoar altanto come posible. Vu pova prendar le tram (autobuse), si vu vola. Il talta justo devan nos. -- Yes, you are right. One must stay on the pavement as much as possible. You can take the tram (bus), if you like. It stops just in front of us.

U desenda yo del tram? -- Where do I get off the tram?

Desenda al place de halte devan (pre) le mercato (parque). -- Get off at the stopping-place in front of (near) the market-place (park).

Pova yo pregar vos de un alumete? Coi cria cel garson que sta (cui voce on audia) al altre lato del strada? -- May I trouble you for a match? What is that boy who is standing (whose voice you hear) on the other side of the street shouting?

Il venda jurnales. -- He is selling newspapers.

Alor yo va comprar un numero. -- Then I will go and buy a copy.


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