Mondial example sentences, part 4: at the restaurant and in the shop

Saturday, September 03, 2011

More example sentences in Mondial today from the textbook, this time featuring a situation in the restaurant and at the store.


In le restaurante

(Al chefe del servitores) Yo desira un table por du persones. -- (To the head waiter) I want a table for two.

Si, senior, un table e liber al fenestre. Yo regreta, ma tute le altres e ocupate.

Bon, yo prenda lo.

(Le servitor (servitora) aporta le menú i mita asietes, vitres i servietes (cuileres, colteles i furquetes) sur le table.) -- (The waiter (waitress) brings the menu and puts plates, glasses and napkins (spoons, knives and forks) on the table.)

(Al servitor) Da nos al comence sanduiches (pane con butre, fromage i sardines (harengue)) i du cocteles (du botelies de bier). -- (To the waiter) Bring us first sandwiches (bread and butter, cheese and sardines (herring)) and two cocktails (two bottles of beer).

(Le servitor) Nul supa, senior?

No, gracie. Regardamo le menú. Lo e multe platos: rosbife, pava, oca, galinete i salmon. -- No, thank you. Let us look at the menu. There are a great many dishes, roast beef, turkey, goose, chicken and salmon.

(Il turna se ver su amico.) Coi vola vu manjar: carne, ave o pisque? -- (He turns to his friend.) What would you like to eat, meat, poultry or fish?

Yo creda que yo prefera un rosbife con patatas fritate, car yo ha fame. -- I think I prefer roast beef and baked potatoes; I am hungry.

Yo prenda salmon.

(Le servitor) I come beve, senior? -- (The waiter) And to drink, sir?

Un botelie de vin blanque (ruge). Un bon marque, ma non tro car. -- A bottle of white (red) wine. A good brand, but not too expensive.

(Le servitor) I poi come deserta? Fructe (pomas, peras)? -- (The waiter) And then for dessert? Fruit (apples, pears)?

Du gelatos i poi (finalmente) du tazas de cafe. -- Two ice-creams and then (finally) two cups of coffee.

Bien, senior. (Il disparisa.) -- Yes, sir. (He disappears.)

(Al amico) Le manjar e bon i barate in cil restaurante. -- (to the friend) The food is good and cheap at this restaurant.

Si, yo visita lo sovente cuando mi marita non e in casa. -- Yes, I often come here when my wife is not at home.

Vola pasar me le sal i le pipre. -- Would you pass me the salt and pepper.

A votre salute! -- Your health!

Al votre! -- And yours!

(Li trinca con unaltres.)

Non desira vu algo con le cafe: un coniaque o un licor?

No, gracie.

Non prenda vu crem in votre cafe?

Solo sucre.

Pova yo ofrar vos un cigarete?

(Il uvra un paquete de cigaretes).

Si, gracie. Ple da me foco. In general yo fuma pipa, ma yo non ha tabaco. -- Thank you. May I have a light. Generally I smoke a pipe, but I have no tobacco.

(Sui amico aluma un alumete.) -- (His friend light a match.)

VIda ci un cineriera! -- Here is an ashtray.

(Il sorta alque notas de banque de su cartiera.) -- (He takes some notes from his pocketbook.)

(Le servitor) Vida lo ci, senior! -- (The waiter) Here it is, sir!

Triante coronas i cuin coronas come porbevar. Vida si cuarante coronas. Ple renda me cuin coronas. -- Thirty crowns and five crowns tip. Here are forty crowns. Please give me back five crowns.

Gracie, senior!

(Li anda al vestiario por prendar su chapeles.) -- (They go out to the cloakroom to get their hats.)

In le magasin -- In the stores

Coi desira vu, senior?

Yo volaria comprar un camisa (cravates, colos, faceletes) i un par de calcetes (zapates)). -- I want to buy a shirt (some ties, collars, and a pair of socks (shoes)).

Si, senior, quel numero?


Vida ci un exelente camisa! Cuinante coronas suedese (chilines, franques). -- Here is an excellent shirt. Fifty Swedish crowns (shillings, francs).

Il e tro car. Non ha vu plu barates? -- It is too expensive. Haven't you any cheaper ones?

Si, cil camisa costa triante coronas.

No, yo prefera le altre. Yo prenda lo malgre le prece. -- No, I prefer the other. I'll take it in spite of the price.

Vida ci le cuitance, senior. (Ple paga al case.) -- Here is the receipt, sir. (Please pay at the cash-desk.)

Ha vu anque manteles i costumes (vestones, giletes, pantalones, casquetes, chapeles)? -- Do you also have overcoats and suits (jackets, waistcoats, trousers, caps, hats)?

Lo e in un altre secion, ple monta (desenda) le scalera. -- They are in another department, please go upstairs (downstairs).

I vu, seniora (seniorina)?

Yo volaria comprar calzas. -- I wanto to buy some stockings.

Vida ci calzas de nilon de bon cualitá. -- Here are some good quality nylon stockings.

Yo prenda ciles. Oh, yo ha perdate mi gantes. -- I'll take these. Oh, I have lost my gloves.

Li e ci sur (so) le table, seniora. -- They are here on (under) the table, madam.

Gracie. U venda vu robes (bluses, jupes) i manteles? -- Thank you. Where do you sell dresses (blouses, skirts) and coats?

Ple anda a destre, on venda les in le secion la via. -- Please go to the right, they sell them in the department over there.


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