Mondial example sentences, part 3: seasons and what to say in a hotel

Friday, September 02, 2011

And now the third part of the example sentences from the Mondial textbook. There is still a lot of conversation to go, so stay tuned.


Le sesones

Quel seson prefera tu?

Lo e dificulte da dicar. Lo dependa. In le estate yo prefera da vivar pre le mar, murtuto cuando lo e multo calde.

U ha tu sete cil estate? -- Where have you been this summer?

Yo ha pasate le vacances in un banie de mar in le sude de Suede, u yo ha locate un bon chambre pre le porto. -- I spent the vacation at a seaside resport in the south of Sweden, where I rented a good room near the harbour.

Ha tu godate del sojurne? -- Did you enjoy your stay?

Si, yo ha baniate me i natate plure voltes per dia, yo ha remate i andate a vela (in motobatel) presque tute dia (le dia). Le banies de sole sur le plage evi deliciose. -- Yes, I bathed and swam several times a day, I rowed and sailed (went out in a motorboat) almost every (the whole) day. Sunbathing or the beach was delightful.

Ma u anda tu in le hiberne?

Alor yo ama da andar squiar in le montanies in le norde de Suede. -- Then I like to go skiing in the mountains in the north of Sweden.

Non pova tu squiar u tu viva?

Si, cuando lo niva (gela), yo squia (patina) pre le citá, ma infelicemente lo e sovente nul nive (lo degela sovente). -- Yes, when it is snowing (freezing), I go skiing (skating) near my town, but unfortunately there is often no snow (it often thaws).

Le mas bel seson e portan le verne. -- The most beautiful season, though, is spring.

Si, sin dute, ma anque le autumne pova ser multo agreable.

In le hotel

(Al portero) Yo desira un chambre con un lite (du lites).

Ha vu reservate lo, senior?

No, yo ha justo arivate. Vida ci mi pasaporte. Come vu vida, yo ha pasate la doana al frontiera yer.

Nu ha un bon chambre in le trieme etage con un chambre de banie i un cabinete de toilete. Ple entra in le elevator, yo va monstrar vos le chambre.

Cuanto costa il?

Octece coronas suedese (chilines, franques), senior, service includate. -- Eighteen Swedish crowns (shillings, francs) a day, sir, service included.

Il e un poco car, ma yo prenda lo. -- It is a bit expensive, but I'll take it.

Vida ci le clave del chambre. -- Here is the key to the room.

Serva on le dejuner in le chambre?

Si vu telefona, on aportara lo a vos sitosto. -- If you ring for it, it will be brought to you at once.

Yo volaria har un botelie de acua de Selce, car yo ha site. U pova yo har mi capiles taliate? -- I would like a bottle of soda-water because I am thirsty. Where can I have my hair cut?

In le etage de tera. Ple vola scribar votre nome i adrese in cil libre. -- On the ground floor. Please write your name and address in this book.

U e mi stilografe i mi oclares? Oh, yo ha mitate les con mi crayon i cuaderne in cil poche. -- Where are my fountain pen and my glasses? Oh, I have put them with my pencil and notebook in this pocket.

Vu restara longuemente?

No, yo parta deman.

Ma u e votre bagage?

Yo ha lasate lo in le auto. Il e parcate in le strada.

Alor nu va montar lo imediatemente i mitar le auto in le garage. -- Then we will fetch it immediately and put the car in the garage.

No, il pova restar in le strada, car yo va usar lo tosto. -- No, it can stay in the street because I will be using it soon.


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