Mondial example sentences, part 1

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Since the best way to acquaint oneself with a language is to simply see it in action, here is the first section of the Mondial conversation book. As one would expect with a language of its type most of it is perfectly obvious, and so I have left out the English translation for most of them. I simply love the lack of doubled consonants.

So how much total conversational content is there in that book? A quick count shows it to be about 25 times the size of the examples given here.

Bon matin, senior!

Bon dia!

Bon sera!

Bon nocte!

Adeo! Al revidar!

A tosto!

A deman, car amico (amica)!

Bon dia, senior... seniora... seniorina...

Yo e felice da vidar vos.

Yo joya me da encontrar vos (far votre conosance).

Yo non ha hate le ocasion (plesur) da vidar vos avante. -- I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you before.

Yo non creda que nu ha encontrate unaltres avante.

Yo espera da revidar vos tosto.

Permita me da presentar...a vos.

Come sta vu? -- Multo bien, gracie.

Multe gracie(s)!

Yo e multo grate a vos. -- I am very much obliged / very grateful to you.

Yo gracia vos por votre amabilitá.

Yo e contente (satisfate).

Yo regreta (multo). (Yo e desolate).

Quel damage!

Pardon. Ple atenda un momente!

Excusa me.

Ma lo e (fa) nulo. -- Don't mention it / Mais ce n'est (ça ne fait) rien.

Presenta mi salutaciones a... -- Give my kind regards to...

Saluta lui (lei, les) de me. -- Say hi to him (her, them) for me.

Mi cordial felicitaciones.

Bon viage! Bon fortuna!

Bon Natal! Bon novel ano!

Gracie, lo mem a vos. -- Thanks, the same to you.


Vola vu far me un service? -- Will you do me a favour?

Vola vu acompaniar me a...?

Pova yo ofrar vos un cigarete (algo da bevar)?

Pova yo invitar vos al cinema (teatre)?

Vola vu andar con me al cinema?

Desira vu cafe / te?

Pova yo questionar (pregar) vos de algo?

Coi desira vu? -- What do you want?

Coi demanda vu de me?

Coi dica tu de lo? -- What do you say about it?

Coi dicavi tu?

De qui parla tu?

A coi pensa tu?

Coi vola vu dicar?

U ha tu sete? -- Where have you been? (ser -- sete)

U anda tu? -- Where are you going?

Du vena tu? -- Where do you come from?

Cuando parta tu?

E tu preste?

E tu fatigate (ocupate)?

Por coi non creda tu lo?

E lo ver? E lo posible?

E lo necesari?

Come sava tu lo?

Por coi tacia tu? -- Why are you silent?

Audia (Vida) tu lo?

Comprenda tu?

Promita tu lo? -- Do you promise?

Non osa tu far lo? -- You don't dare to do it?

Ha tu pavor? -- Are you afraid?

Non reconosa tu me?

Ha tu ubliate lo? -- Have you forgotten it?

Non memora tu te lo? -- Don't you remember?

Cuanto costa lo?

Cuante tempo prenda lo? -- How long does it take?

Come longuemente deva yo atendar? -- How long must I wait?

(Note: longuemente is pronounced longemente; the u is because e after g is pronounced like g in giant)

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