Reviving Sanskrit in the state of Uttarakhand

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Here's a fairly rare treat: a long (4-page) article on the revival / strengthening of Sankskrit in the northern state of Uttarakhand, and another one here on a Sanskrit newspaper called Vaak. Uttarakhand is where Sanskrit was recently made an official language too, and it seems that revival efforts are progressing nicely. The articles themselves are long enough so no real need for more commentary here, except that:

1) One wonders if Latin would have had such an easy time being made the official language of more than just the Vatican if it had been able to retain a body of native speakers as Sanskrit has, and

2) Look, some Sambahsa cognates from the article: "Sanskrit-dwitiyarajbhashayuktam deshashya prathamrajyam Uttarakhandam". Olivier can tell us if there are others besides these two in the article.

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