Calendar in Korea devoted to helping out street cats sells 500 copies in 10 days

Monday, December 28, 2009

Good news for street cats in Korea. The author of worked with the Korean Cat Protection Society (한국고양이보호협회) to make a 2010 calendar featuring pictures of cats for the low low price of 9000 won ($7.70 US), and 500 copies sold out within ten days (from 15 to 25 December). What makes this calendar special though is that it doesn't feature pictures of well-groomed house cats but rather pictures of cats actually taken on the streets of Korea, so some of them are cute but others have obviously been living a pretty tough life.

All the photographs can be seen at the link but here are two quick examples. First two cute kittens living on the street together:

And an adult cat not too happy about having his picture taken.

All the proceeds go to charity so that's about $3700 minus expenses (including delivery)...perhaps $2500 that went straight to street cats in Korea. Even without buying in bulk dry cat food can be purchased for 17000 won for 7 kg, so at bulk rates this might work out to two tonnes of dry cat food, and with an average of 85 grams per day needed for a cat that works out to enough money to feed 65 cats for a year. Looks like they'll need to double the print size to 1000 copies next year.


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