New Page F30 reader poll on Latin

Friday, September 18, 2009

I just put up a new poll that you can see there on the right on your experience with Latin, ranging from fluent to various degrees of fluency (including used to be good but now rusty, something one often hears from people) and interest so be sure to vote.

By the way, the comments section of the latest article I referenced on Latin is quite interesting now - when it first went up there were only two comments but now there are 17, and the majority of them are in Latin instead of English. Perhaps that's a good sign.


Steve said...

My school had mandatory Latin, which I might have enjoyed had I not had two terrible teachers. I do not want to see it again.

Steve said...

My school had mandatory Latin, which I might have enjoyed had I not had two terrible teachers. I do not want to see it again.

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