Newly discovered hot Jupiter planet Wasp-18b may (or may not) be on the verge of plunging into its star

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another extrasolar planet. This one is one of only two we've discovered so far that take less than a day to orbit their host star, and this proximity along with its hefty mass means there's quite the tug of war going on between it and its star. Astronomers aren't certain yet whether it's destined to perish from being pulled in or not. Also note that "soon" in astronomical terms means a few thousand / million years. Even sooner than that will probably be the (relatively) close approach of Barnard's Star to the Sun, which will happen in about 9000 years. In the long term (3 billion years) the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy will collide.

Back to the planet: a fairly interesting discovery that will make the news for about a day, but hot Jupiters are impossible to explore so the interest in them is academic. As always, I await the news of the discovery of an earth-sized planet. The bar graph showing the number of planets discovered in a given year has been updated, and this is what it looks like with 2009 showing the number discovered as of 14 August:

For a while 2009 looked like it was lagging behind but now it seems to have caught up, and I expect a swath of announcements from Kepler quite soon, certainly before the year is out.

Edit: found an article en français here on the planet if you prefer.


Anonymous said...

Mathematically Breakthrough
It is now mathematically proven that the decelerating force that affected the Pioneer probes and the accelerating force that had caused many Fly-by anomalies:
1.) Both affect the Earth (and the planets) as well, - and with full force.
2.) Automatically equalize each other (when affecting the planets).

This explains the cause of the WASP-18b mystery and all the probes anomalies as well.

More >

Anonymous said...

New calculations shows that WASP-18b probably not will be stable in its present orbit, but will be thrown away with from the star, with a velocity 3 times higher than the velocity astronomers today believe it “should” approach the star.

This certainly will be a big chock, and something we should be able to confirm within 1 to 2 years.

The idea that also planets are affected of the same accelerating force that space probes (by fly by) support this new theory and make it also possible to understand the cause of the 4 following mysteries:

1.) Why gas-planets can be found very closed to starts ( with their atmosphere intact)
2.) Why huge planets can be found more as 15 billion km. from their mother stars.
3.) How Jupiter’s was created (longer away from the Sun) and what brought it closer to the Sun.
4.) How water come to earth.



Bjarne123456 said...

The conclusion in my previous post was wrong.
It’s not enough only to consider the possible force that can be pass by, - based on the angel velocity as a result of a astronomic bodies rotation (centrifugal force) affecting the planet (WASP-18b).

It’s also necessary calculating the possible energy requirement and compare that to the (rotation) energy available due to the stars rotation..
This shows that even though if enough energy fast “could” be transmitted to Wasp-18b, it’s simply not available.
Wasp-18b will therefore approach the star, and will not only be affected by the tidal effect (expected 2.8 s. per year) but will probably also be effected by too weak rotation energy (+ 2 s per year) Total 4.8 s. per year.

However Wasp-18b should have been dismissed for several hundred million years ago. How could it “hide it self” from the tidal force so long time?
The answer seems to be “written in the stars”.
By comparing with other solar systems we can easy understand the logic. (The site is now updated and much better now) >

Sorry for the confusion…

Bjarne123456 said...

The conclusion in my previous post was wrong.
It’s not enough only to consider the possible force that can be pass by, - based on the angel velocity as a result of a astronomic bodies rotation (centrifugal force) affecting the planet (WASP-18b).

It’s also necessary calculating the possible energy requirement and compare that to the (rotation) energy available due to the stars rotation..
This shows that even though if enough energy fast “could” be transmitted to Wasp-18b, it’s simply not available.
Wasp-18b will therefore approach the star, and will not only be affected by the tidal effect (expected 2.8 s. per year) but will probably also be effected by too weak rotation energy (+ 2 s per year) Total 4.8 s. per year.

However Wasp-18b should have been dismissed for several hundred million years ago. How could it “hide it self” from the tidal force so long time?
The answer seems to be “written in the stars”.
By comparing with other solar systems we can easy understand the logic. (The site is now updated and much better now) >

Sorry for the confusion…

Anonymous said...

Mathematically Breakthrough
It is now mathematically proven that the decelerating force that affected the Pioneer probes and the accelerating force that had caused many Fly-by anomalies:
1.) Both affect the Earth (and the planets) as well, - and with full force.
2.) Automatically equalize each other (when affecting the planets).

This explains the cause of the WASP-18b mystery and all the probes anomalies as well.

More >

Anonymous said...

New calculations shows that WASP-18b probably not will be stable in its present orbit, but will be thrown away with from the star, with a velocity 3 times higher than the velocity astronomers today believe it “should” approach the star.

This certainly will be a big chock, and something we should be able to confirm within 1 to 2 years.

The idea that also planets are affected of the same accelerating force that space probes (by fly by) support this new theory and make it also possible to understand the cause of the 4 following mysteries:

1.) Why gas-planets can be found very closed to starts ( with their atmosphere intact)
2.) Why huge planets can be found more as 15 billion km. from their mother stars.
3.) How Jupiter’s was created (longer away from the Sun) and what brought it closer to the Sun.
4.) How water come to earth.



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