Post-election events in Iran: 20 July (29 Tir)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Right now on the front page of Peiknet is a story about Khatami calling for a referendum, and luckily the National Iranian-American Council has translated the story (also here on BBC Persian) so I don't have to try. What the exact referendum question would be it doesn't say, but it would be on the legitimacy of the election.

Ah, looks like there's now a New York Times article on the subject too.

The last employee from the British Embassy has now been released, so though there is likely to be a lot of resentment remaining (especially since the bail for release was $100,000), the sense of crisis is gone now.

More on the resignation of Ahmadinejad's VP pick can be seen here.

Here's an article that probably isn't getting as much attention as it should: 36 officers have been arrested for a planned act of political defiance on their part - an attempt to attend Rafsanjani's speech wearing their uniforms.


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