Association to begin teaching Turkish in Morocco, Jordan and Sudan

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

TASCA (Türk-Arap Bilim, Kültür ve Sanat Derneği or Turk-Arab Science, Culture and Art Association) is an association set up last year, that now plans on teaching Turkish to countries in the Arabic world, beginning with Morocco, Jordan and Sudan in its goal of making Turkish a world language. They seem to have chosen these three countries due to a scarcity of Turkish teachers vs. demand; one can only assume that nearby countries like Syria have more ample resources for those that want to learn the language.

On a related note, groups like this are why I scoff at the suggestion that minority languages like Welsh and Basque only survive due to government support - major languages receive much, much more support from governments and educational institutions to promulgate themselves in other countries whereas minority languages are busy simply maintaining their own languages in their areas of origin.


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