Iran after the elections: 24 June 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hi - if you're here due to a Twitter update, check the bottom of the post.

I'll be updating this post throughout the day as events warrant.

The White House released a video today of Barack Obama's statement on Iran, with Persian subtitles below.

In addition to the full transcript here.

A few days ago Iranian state TV deliberately misquoted Obama a few times and haven't been shy of doing this before, so this is a nice way to preempt any attempts to misquote the speech.

The White House also tweeted in Persian to announce this.

Barack Obama actually alluded to this today as well in his response to a question here.

One really interesting article from yesterday is this one, which goes over the reactions in the Arab world to the events in Iran, where depending on the type of government and relationship with Iran the reaction in the press is either nearly completely muted (for those that either like Iran's current government or are afraid their own people might rise up in a similar fashion) to fanatical coverage as seen in the West.

Here's a good message to copy and paste in Persian to promote this latest movement to go to the bazaar and not buy anything (if you're not sure what this is about read here to understand the tactic).
امروز همه به سوی بازار های شهرمون! بدون نشانه سبز و بدون خرید و بدون درگیری! بازار را فلج می کنیم #Iranelection
It says: Today everyone to the bazaars in our city! Without showing green and without buying and without involvement/conflict! We paralyze the bazaar.

Nate Silver has turned up another oddity here on the numbers in this election.


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