Iran after the elections: 19 June 2009 - part 2

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hi - if you're here due to a Twitter update, check the bottom of the post.

I'll be updating this post throughout the day as events warrant.

I'm changing the time for this post ever so slightly to keep this post up on top for a bit longer, as it's important that as many people know about those links as possible in order to maximize the effect of Google's addition of Persian to its list of languages that can be automatically translated. As I've mentioned a few times before, there is a lot of content in Persian only on Twitter/YouTube etc. that doesn't get noticed as much as it should so this should help.

Khamenei made a speech today and Andrew Sullivan's recap of tweets sent in from that are probably the best place to get an idea of what it was about. It looks like he doesn't have a clear plan for what's ahead and is just trying to convince the populace that they should support Ahmadinejad just because he likes him. And if they don't...that's the question.

You can also see a summary of the speech here from the New York Times. "We're awesome; everyone else is to blame" would be a good way to summarize it.

َA tweet on Persian just now says that "the best response to Khamenei's blackmail is to shout Allaho Akbar from the rooftops in a loud voice tonight".

Another one reminds us of tomorrow's big gathering - starts at 4, takes place in Enghelab Square and will be attended by Mousavi, Karroubi and Khatami.

The UK isn't happy with being called evil today and has summoned the Iranian ambassador.

A transcript of the speech by Khamenei can be seen here.

Check out the huge size of one of yesterday's mourning rallies.

An English translation of the video the Mousavi camp asked for subtitles for has been made (part 1 of 3, I think). Here it is.

Looks like there is going to be a demonstration tomorrow at 6 in Shiraz at Alam Square (میدان علم). Can't seem to find the location on a map though.

The Wall Street Journal has some great first-hand accounts here. Definitely read over those.

I'd say this is the image of the day. People brought in by buses today to make the numbers on Khameini and Ahmadinejad's side seem larger than they actually are.

BBC will be using a new satellite to broadcast BBC Persian in Iran that isn't vulnerable to jamming.

A tweet in Persian from an hour ago (10:30 pm in Iran): "Tomorrow Black Friday will happen again, and inevitably a few months later will come the end of the Islamic Republic".

And with that it's time for bed here in Korea. More updates in a new post tomorrow.


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