Visa process between Iran and Cyprus to be simplified, increasing tourists to at least 12,000 and 24,000 per year

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Location of Iran and Cyprus. I filled Cyprus in in full because it now looks like unification will be a distinct possibility in the near future.

Two interesting pieces of information from the Financial Mirror today from an article featuring an interview with Iran's Ambassador to Cyprus (Ali Reza Bikdeli).
Iran’s Ambassador estimates that currently 6,000 people from Iran visit Cyprus every year, with very few Cypriots visiting Iran.

“With direct flights and accelerated and simplified procedures on visa applications, we can boost the number of Iranians visiting Cyprus to 12,000 in the first year and easily 24,000 the second year.”

Iran, with its rich and diverse culture, history and attractions is viewed by the ambassador as an ideal place for Cypriots to visit.

Bikdeli said there is a big misconception among Cypriots and Europeans in general about the situation in Iran and its people.

“Until people visit Iran, they are mostly reserved, but after the first visit, they fall in love with the place, its people, the rich culture and way of life,” he said, referring to many Cypriots who want to return many times more after their first trip.
In an effort to change the misconception about Iran, mainly derived from biased international media, the Iranian embassy in Nicosia is promoting direct contact among the two countries, facilitating easy visa procedures for Cypriots visiting Iran and organising cultural activities to provide a better understanding among the two people.

“We have proverb in Farsi (Persian language) which says: better to see once than to hear a thousand times,” is Bikdeli’s advice to all who wish to form their own opinion about a country like Iran, its people and culture rather than be dictated as to what to believe or not by foreign media.


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