Revolution and evolution sound similar in Turkish too - devrim and evrim

Friday, March 13, 2009

>650 milyon yıl öncesinden günümüze evrim çizelgesi

Hm, that's interesting (make sure to check out the photograph there):

ODTÜ öğretim elemanları üyeleri ve öğrenciler, Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi’nin kapağının değiştirilmesine tepki olarak ODTÜ Stadyumu’ndaki "devrim" yazısının "d" harfini kapatıp "evrim" yazısı oluşturdu

"Middle East Technical University educational staff and students respond to the changing of the Science and Technology cover by covering up the d in the word "devrim" (revolution) in the university stadium, creating the word "evrim" (evolution).

If you're not sure what this is about, see this article.
Turkish university students and teachers on Wednesday protested the removal of an article about Charles Darwin from a state-run science magazine amid concerns that secular views are under threat in the Muslim country.

News reports said Cigdem Atakuman, the editor of Science and Technology magazine, was sacked after she devoted the cover of the March issue to Darwin to mark the 150th anniversary of "The Origin of Species," his publication on evolution.

Secularists in Turkey suspect the Islamic-oriented government seeks to raise the role of religion and promote the Muslim version of creationist theory.


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