Uzbek part of Turkmenistan-China natural gas pipeline to be completed in 2010 / Türkmen-Çin doğal gaz boru hattının Özbekistan etabı 2010'da bitecek

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Source: (Turkish)

First take a look at this image of the region:
You can see that the way to get natural gas from Turkmenistan (the country on the southwest part of the highlighted countries on the map) to China requires going through two other countries. You could technically go all the way through Kazakhstan but that's much too indirect, and technically Afghanistan is joined with China but the country is unstable and the piece of land connecting the two is extremely it's way too mountainous, which includes Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. That means that going through Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan is really the only logical route.

With that said, let's take a look at the article:

Türkmen-Çin doğal gaz boru hattının Özbekistan etabının 2010 başında faaliyete geçmesi bekleniyor. Boru döşemesinin 2009 itibariyle biteceği hatta, asıl gaz sevkiyatının 2010 Ocak itibariyle yapılması planlanıyor.
The Uzbek part of the Turkmenistan-China natural gas pipeline is expected to start activity at the beginning of 2010. The laying of the pipe will be finished as of 2009, and actual gas shipments are planned to happen in 2010.

Türkmenistan gazını Çin'e taşıyacak boru hattının Özbekistan etabını, Özbekistan-Çin ortaklı 'Asia Trans Gas' şirketi yapıyor. Hattın 525 km'lik Özbekistan etabının yaklaşık 3 milyar (2 milyar 975 milyon) dolara mal olması bekleniyor.

The part of the pipeline to transport Turkmen gas to China located in Uzbekistan is being carried out by the joint Chinese-Uzbek 'Asia Trans Gas' company. The 525 km long part in Uzbekistan is expected to cost $2.975 billion.

The pipeline is around 7000 km in length, of which 185 km is in Turkmenistan, 525 km is in Uzbekistan, 1,293 km in Kazakhstan and 4,860 km of which goes through China. The part in Uzbekistan goes through the provinces of Buhara-Kashkadarya and Navoiy, which you can see here in red:


Türkmenistan'ı Çin'e bağlayacak olan boru hattında yılda 30 ile 40 milyar metreküp arasında değişen miktarlarda doğal gaz sevkıyatı yapılabilecek.

The pipeline between Turkmenistan and China will be able to transport varying volumes of natural gas between 30 and 40 billion cubic metres per year.


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