Google Translate now available in Turkish...apparently

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

That's what the news says here but I don't see it from where I am. Maybe it takes a while to filter through like when Gmail added new personal backgrounds but some people had to wait (including me) for them to arrive. Considering the amount of Turkish - English translation I do I'm going to enjoy trying this out. Apparently though it looks like this:

whereas I still only have this:

Apparently it also needs some work; someone wrote below that he wrote karnım acıktı (I'm hungry) and the translation was "My wife was hungry". Most people are very happy with Turkish being added though and are having a lot of fun with it. Maybe I'll be able to test it out here too when I wake up tomorrow.

Edit: damn, apparently Estonian and Maltese are being added too! I never thought they would get around to Estonian, one of my favourite languages ever. That's great.


Kjetil said...

Shqiptare, Estonisë, Galician, hungareze, maltez, Thai dhe turke janë të shtatë gjuhë të reja shtohen.

Albaania, eesti, galeegi, Ungari, Malta, Tai ja Türgi on seitse uut keelt lisada.

Albanesa, o Estoniano, o galego, Húngaro, Maltés, Tailandés e turco son as sete novas linguas.

Albánia, az észt, a galíciai, a magyar, a máltai, a thaiföldi és a török is a hét új nyelvek hozzá.

Albaniż, l-Estonjan, il-Galizjan, Ungeriża, Maltija, Taj u Torok huma l-seba 'lingwi ġodda miżjuda.

ภาษาแอลเบเนีย, เอสโทเนีย, ภาษากาลิเชียน, ฮังการี, มอลตา, ไทยและตุรกีที่เจ็ดใหม่ภาษาเพิ่ม.

Arnavutluk, Estonya, Galician, Macarca, Maltaca, Türkçe ve Türk yedi yeni diller eklenir.


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