Gagauz Culture Museum located in Beşalma, Gagauzia + Gagauz sculptor Dmitriy Kara-Çoban

Friday, February 13, 2009

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Here's Beşalma, just south of the capital Comrat and in between Chirsova and Congaz.

I love this Gagauz test Wikipedia; it's so cute and easy to read for anyone that knows Turkish. Today I've found a few more interesting pages. One is on the Gagauz Culture Museum located in Beşalma, just south of Comrat. (I think here is where it's located)

Here's part of the article with my translation:

Gagauz kultura muzeyi - Beşalmanın Dmitriy Kara-Çobanın adına istoriya hem etnografiya muzeyi. Bu muzey küü muzeyi olarak kuruldu 1965 yılında, ama şindi Beşalma muzeyi Gagauziyanın anılmış hem Moldovanın tanınmış muzeylerdän birisi oldu.

Gagauz Culture Museum - a historical and ethnographic museum in Beşalma, founded by (or for?) Dmitriy Kara-Çoban. This museum was set up in 1965 as a village museum, but now the Beşalma museum is a museum for Gagauzia recognized by Moldova.

Angı insana da sormasan: “Gagauziyadan angı muzeyi bilersin?” Geeri kesin cuvap alêrsın: “Beşalma muzeyini!”.

If someone asks you "Do you know any museums from Gagauzia?" then answer back: "Beşalma Museum!".

Muzeyin 40-cı yıldönüm ofițial kutlamakları oldular oktäbri ayın 27-dä 2005-cı yılda Beşalmada.

The official celebrations for the 40th year since the founding of the museum took place on 25 October 2005, in Beşalma.

I'm assuming that angı is kind of like eğer (if) or the Persian âyâ (آیا), used when asking a yes or no question.

The next question is who this Dmitriy Kara-Çoban is. Let's take a look at that page:

Dmitriy Kara-Çoban (skulptor Afanasiy Kara-Çoban)

Dmitriy Kara-Çoban - anılmış gagauz etnograf, yazıcı hem bilim adamı.

Dmitriy Kara-Çoban - a well-known Gagauz ethnographer, writer and scientist.

D.Kara-Çoban duudu 1933-cü yılda may ayın 27-dä Komrat dolayının Beşalma küündä. Gagauz kultura muzeyini bir küü muzeyi olarak kurdu 1965 yılında, ama şindi Beşalma muzeyi Gagauziyanın anılmış hem Moldovanın tanınmış muzeylerdän birisi oldu. 1986-cı yılda karısının ölümünä katlanmayan büük yazıcı bir kaç gün sora hayatını bitirdi trenin önünä atlayarak. Beşalmanın Gagauz kultura muzeyi büün Dmitriy Kara-Çobanın adına istoriya hem etnografiya muzeyi.

D. Kara-Çoban was born in the village of Beşalma in the suburbs of Comrat on 27 May 1933. He set up the Gagauz Culture Museum in 1965 as a village museum, but now the Beşalma museum is a museum for Gagauzia recognized by Moldova. His wife died in 1986, and not being able to bear the loss, a few days later the great writer took his life by throwing himself in front of a train. Beşalma's Gagauz Culture Museum today is a historic and ethnographic museum in Dmitriy Kara-Çoban's name.

To see the first discussion on the application for the Gagauz Wikipedia, see here.


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