231 countries and international organizations (so far) to participate in the 2010 Shanghai Expo

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Better City, Better Life" (城市让生活更美好) - the motto for Expo 2010.

Source: turkish.cri.cn (Turkish)

Shanghai EXPO'ya 231 ülke ve uluslararası örgüt katılacak
231 countries and international organizations to participate in the Shanghai Expo
5 Şubat'a kadar, toplam 185 ülke ve 46 uluslararası örgütün Shanghai EXPO'ya katılacağı kesinleşti.
By the 5th of February a total of 185 countries and 46 international organizations had confirmed their participation in the Shanghai Expo.
Shanghai EXPO Koordinasyon Müdürlüğü'nden bir yetkili bugün (11 Şubat) yaptığı açıklamada, söz konusu üke ve uluslararası örgütlerin öngörüldüğü gibi fuara katılması durumunda, Shanghai EXPO'nun en yüksek katılımlı dünya fuarı olacağını belirtti.
An announcement today (11 February) by an official at the Shanghai EXPO Coordination Directorship that with the expected participation by the above countries and international organizations, the Shanghai Expo would be the largest world fair ever in terms of participation.
Öte yandan, Shanghai EXPO Parkı'ndaki yapıların inşaatı sorunsuz şekilde sürüyor. Plan uyarınca EXPO Merkezi, Çin Salonu ve EXPO Temalı Salon bu yıl içinde tamamlanacak.
Construction on buildings in Shanghai EXPO Park is also continuing without problems. With the carrying out of the plan the EXPO Centre, Chinese Salon and EXPO Theme Salon will be completed within this year.

I wonder if the Sovereign Military Order of Malta will be taking part too. Let's check...


here's the list in Chinese, but it doesn't seem to be there. You can see that China isn't one of the nations that recognizes them as a sovereign country so that could be the reason, or perhaps they're just not interested.


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