January 30 2009: Venus and the Moon are right next to each other in the evening sky

Friday, January 30, 2009

It's evening here in Asia right now and Venus and the Moon are pretty much right next to each other, as in the image above, so for those further to the west make sure to look up at the sky tonight as soon as the Sun goes down. Venus is pretty high up in the evening sky right now so you can wait an hour or two after sunset and still see it pretty well in the west.

Venus is going to continue to rise in the evening sky until about February 13th, after which it'll start to fall pretty fast and though there'll be another close encounter in the evening sky on February 27/28, the month after that Venus will already have dropped down out of sight, after which it'll eventually be visible in the morning before the Sun rises.


Anonymous said...

I live on Long Island, NY. tonight saw the
moon crescent and a "star" almost directly below
does anyone know what that was?

Anonymous said...

i dont know what the star your talking about was but i live in nova scotia canada and i looked at the moon tonight and it was like a smile i've never seen that before like not sideways but on the bottom like a real smile and then it looked as if it turned a redish coulor

Me said...

>I live on Long Island, NY. tonight saw the
>moon crescent and a "star" almost directly below
>does anyone know what that was?

The Moon has moved just a bit above Venus now so that was probably Venus, assuming it was super bright. A really good program (and easy on the computer resourcewise) to check the current position of anything is this one:


Make sure to set your position to New York of course, otherwise it'll be off.

Anonymous said...

i dont know what the star your talking about was but i live in nova scotia canada and i looked at the moon tonight and it was like a smile i've never seen that before like not sideways but on the bottom like a real smile and then it looked as if it turned a redish coulor

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