Grammar of Occidental/Interlingue in Occidental translated into English on

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I've just uploaded the document to and you can see it just below.

Some background for those that don't follow the blog: there is a complete grammar for the language Occidental available here that is also written entirely in the language, and in order to facilitate learning of the language as well as for my own use (I just seriously started learning the language a few weeks ago) I translated it into English, which you can see on the right. This is the preliminary version with some typos and asterisks here and there when I'm not sure either about the meaning of the word or the most appropriate English term, so think of it as version 0.1. If anyone wants to download the document, make some corrections and send it to me I'll upload it to the same address.

Here it is:

Occidental Grammar


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