A Grammar of Modern Indo-European full of new stuff, heading into pre-version 4

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I was wondering when the people at Dnghu.org were going to have an update (last one was is October). You can see it there, or just read the translation of the same thing I've made in Occidental for practice:

Li colaborativ textu Un Grammatica de Modern Indo-Europan, ja in pre-version 4, vadient a su duesim redaction printat

Pos li inicial date de dispensation anunciat antey, li principal colaborativ textu publicat per li Association, Un Grammatica de Modern Indo-Europan, ha intrat un stadie de pre-version 4, vadient a su duesim redaction printat.

Ultra li changes expectat in li MIE-conception (a saver EIE, PIH, etc.) e li corectiones de errores e omissiones, li structura ha esset reviset e nov sectiones adjuntet, con li auxilie del ínfinit contributiones de Fernando López-Menchero. Inter ili, un "Indo-Europan in Usage" section e un transscrition fonetic de paroles comun de anglesi a Indo-Europan (ha esset adjuntet), con signification in latin por clarification.

Li Pre-Version ha esset publicat con un ancor revision del unesim redaction printat (v. 3.85), por admisser plu contributiones e corectiones ante que ci (quaresim) revision integri del grammatica es complet. On expecta que li publication del duesim redaction printat va aparar ante que li fine de ci annu.
This was actually what I wanted to see most of all in the textbook, because when I printed it out before I was excited by the idea but really most of all just wanted to see what it looked like in practice. Sample texts, greetings, how to say this or that, so I think this addition really adds something to the textbook that wasn't there before, and I'm also glad that they've included Latin in there with the English equivalents as well. Here's a sample:

army exercitus korjos
army exercitus str∂tos
around circum ambhí
arrangement institūtiō stām∂n
arrival aduentus ghētis
arrive perueniō ghēmi
arrow sagitta kēlom
art ars artis
article articulus melm∂n
articulation rotula anglos
articulation artus k∂nksos
as quām qām
ash cinis kinēs
ashtree frāxinus bh∂rksnos


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