Grammar of Occidental/Interlingue in Occidental translated into English: part 3

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Here's part 3 of the English translation of the Haas grammar on Occidental in Occidental (from here) that I'm doing mostly for my own benefit. The best part about going over these grammar books is that IALs are great in terms of passive knowledge, but there's also a lot hidden here and there that you can use to be as expressive as you want if you wish to learn how. Ido's Kompleta Gramatiko Detaloza is another example of a grammar book that is great fun to read through from beginning to end to see just how the language works in almost every situation.



29. Li caracteristic vocal final -i trova se in mult adjectives, precipue por fixar li corect pronunciation del ultim consonant, e pro distinction pos tipic finales substantivic e infinitivic.

felici, sagi, porosi, organisatori, amari.

29. The characteristic vowel final -i is found in many adjectives, mainly to fix the correct pronunciation of the final consonant, and for distinction after typical noun and infinitive endings.

felici, sagi, porosi, organisatori, amari.

§ 30. Mult adjectives posse facilmen esser substantivat per adjuntion del finales -e, -o, -a.

yun, yune, yunes, yunos, yunas.

§ 30. Many adjectives can easily become nouns through addition of the endings -e, -o, -a.

yun, yune, yunes, yunos, yunas.

§31. Por formar un substantive expressent li general idé de un qualitá on adjunte li finale -um.

li novum, li bellum.

§31. To form a noun expressing the general idea of a quality one adds the ending -um.

li novum, li bellum.

§ 32. Li adjective es ínvariabil in génere e númere. li grand filio, li grand filia, li grand filios, li grand filias.

§ 32. Adjectives are invariable in gender and number. li grand filio, li grand filia, li grand filios, li grand filias.

§ 33. Quande li adjective es usat sin substantive e on deve pro cert rasones indicar li plurale, on adjunte -s, pos consonantes intercalante li -i- eufonic, u to es possibil sin changear li pronunciation.

Vi pomes, prende li maturis.

§ 33. When the adjective is used without a noun and one needs for certain reasons to indicate the plural, one adds an -s, after consonants adding a euphonic -i-, where that is possible without changing the pronunciation.

Vi pomes, prende li maturis.

(Here are apples, take the ripe ones)

§ 34. Por li comparative on indica

li egalitá per tam - quam
li majoritá per plu - quam
li minoritá per minu (min) - quam

Il es tam grand quam su fratre; il es plu grand quam su fratre; il es minu grand quam su fratre. Il es plu grand quam yo. Li plu grand libre.

§ 34. For the comparative one indicates

equality with tam - quam
a greater amount with plu - quam
a lesser amount with minu (min) - quam

He is as large as his brother; he is larger than his brother; he is less large than his brother. He is larger than me. The largest book.

§ 35. Por li superlative on indica

li majoritá per maxim (max)
li minoritá per minim.

Li maxim grand del libres. Li minim grand libre.

§ 35. For the superlative one indicates

the greatest amount with maxim (max)
the least amount with minim.

The largest of the books. The least large book.

§ 36. Por li superlative absolut on usa: tre, o li sufix: -issim.
tre grand, grandissim.

Por comparar tri o pluri gradus on usa:

grand, plu grand, mem plu grand, plu grand ancor, mem plu grand ancor.

§ 36. For the absolut superlative one uses: tre, or the suffix: -issim.
tre grand, grandissim.

To compare three or more grades one uses:

grand, plu grand, mem plu grand, plu grand ancor, mem plu grand ancor.

(large, larger, even larger, still larger, even larger still)

§ 37. In omni comparationes on usa: quam.

egalmen quam, altrimen quam.

§ 37. In all comparisons one uses: quam.

egalmen quam, altrimen quam.


§ 38. Adjectivic pronómines es tales queles sta avan o pos un substantive por caracterisar it; ili resta ínvariabil quam ver adjectives.

Substantivic pronómines sta vice un substantive; ili posse prender li plurale, quam substantives, si necessi.

Pronómines personal.

§ 38. Adjectival pronouns are those that stand before or after a noun to characterize it; they stay invariable as real adjectives.

Noun pronouns exist instead of a noun; they can take the plural, as nouns, if necessary.

Personal pronouns.

§ 39. It existe du formes, li un por li subject (nominative), li altri por li object (acusative o dative, casu obliqui).§ 39. There are two forms, one for the subject (nominative), the other for the object (acusative or dative, oblique case).


ili (illos, ellas)


ili (illos, ellas)

les (los, las)

les (los, las)
Li formes in parenteses es usat solmen in casu de necessitá.The forms in parenthesis are used only in case of necessity.

§40. Li pronómin de politesse es: vu (cf. § 13). On usa it vice tu, quel expresse un cert intimitá o parentitá.

§40. The pronoun expressing politeness is: vu (cf. § 13). One uses it instead of tu, which expresses a certain intimacy or kinship*.

§41. Li pronómin índefinit es: on, li reflexiv: se, li reciproc: unaltru.

On vide se. Ili vide se. Ili vide nos. Vu vide nos. Vu vide vos. Ili vide unaltru. Noi vide unaltru.

§41. The indefinite pronoun is: on, the reflexive: se, the reciprocal: unaltru.

On vide se. Ili vide se. Ili vide nos. Vu vide nos. Vu vide vos. Ili vide unaltru. Noi vide unaltru.

(One sees oneself. They see themselves. They see them. You see them. You see you. They see each other. We see each other.)

§ 42. Pos prepositiones on usa li acusative, o li nominative except yo e tu.

Veni con me! Yo veni con te. Noi ea con le (o il). Vu ea con ella (o la). Noi parla pri it. On parla pri nos. Yo veni pos vos. Yo labora por les (o ili').

§ 42. After prepositions one uses the accusative, or the nominative except yo and tu.

Veni con me! Yo veni con te. Noi ea con le (o il). Vu ea con ella (o la). Noi parla pri it. On parla pri nos. Yo veni pos vos. Yo labora por les (o ili').

(Come with me! I come with you. We go with him. You go with her. We talk about it. One talks about us. I come after you. I work for them.)

Pronómines possessiv.

§ 43. Li formes adjectivic e substantivic es egal; ma por li substantivic on posse usar li articul, secun li nuancie o li regul del lingue matrin, e ili prende li plurale, si necessi.

Possessive pronouns.

§ 43. The adjectival and noun forms are the same; but for the noun form one can use the articule, according to nuance or the rules of one's mother tongue, and they take the plural, if necessary.

mi - my
tui - your
su - his/her/its
nor - our
vor - your
lor - their
To es mi. To es li mi. To es mi libres. To es li mis. To es tui. To es li tui. To es lor. To es li lor. To es li lores. Vi nor parapluvies; Li mi es plu grand quam vor, o: quam li vor. Vidente nor canes yo constata que li tuis súpera li mis in vìvacitá, o: que tuis súpera mís in vivacitá, etc. To es lores; to es li lores. Ples far lu tui. Ples da me tui libre. Il deve far li su.To es mi. To es li mi. To es mi libres. To es li mis. To es tui. To es li tui. To es lor. To es li lor. To es li lores. Vi nor parapluvies; Li mi es plu grand quam vor, o: quam li vor. Vidente nor canes yo constata que li tuis súpera li mis in vìvacitá, o: que tuis súpera mís in vivacitá, etc. To es lores; to es li lores. Ples far lu tui. Ples da me tui libre. Il deve far li su.

Pronómines demonstrativ.

§ 44. Li formes adjectivic e substantivic es egal; ma li substantivics prende li plurale e posse prender li sexu, si to in rar casus es necessi.

Demonstrative pronouns.

§ 44. The adjectival and noun forms are the same; but the noun forms take the plural and can take a gender, if necessary in rare cases.

§45. Por monstrar alquó on usa generalmen: ti. Solmen si on vole indicar explicitmen li proximitá o lontanitá on adjunte li adverbies ci o ta con un strec ligant.

Ti libre es bell. Yo vide ti libres. Yo vide tís. Ti-ci table es solid. Ti-ci tables es solid. Tis-ci es solid, ma tis-ta ne es tal.

Li sexu posse exceptionalmen esser indicat per li pronómin personal.

il-ti, il-ci, ella-ti, illos-ci, ellas-ta.

§45. To indicate something one generally uses: ti. Only if one wishes to explicitly indicate the proximity or distance does one add the adverbs ci or ta with a dash.

Ti libre es bell. Yo vide ti libres. Yo vide tís. Ti-ci table es solid. Ti-ci tables es solid. Tis-ci es solid, ma tis-ta ne es tal.

Sex/gendar can be indicated in exceptional cases with the personal pronoun.

il-ti, il-ci, ella-ti, illos-ci, ellas-ta.

§ 46. Ti, tal e tant es li corelatives de quel, qual e quant. (Tant ne posse prender li plurale, proque it self indica li plurale.)

Quel libres vu prefere? Ti libres, queles anc vu ama. Qual libres vu prefere? Tal libres, queles raconta de viages. Yo ama tal homes. Yo ama tales. Il es sempre tal. Quant persones esset ci? Tant quam yer. Tant quant yer.

§ 46. Ti, tal e tant are the correlatives of quel, qual and quant. (Tant cannot take the plural, because it itself indicates the plural.)

Quel libres vu prefere? Ti libres, queles anc vu ama. Qual libres vu prefere? Tal libres, queles raconta de viages. Yo ama tal homes. Yo ama tales. Il es sempre tal. Quant persones esset ci? Tant quam yer. Tant quant yer.

(Which books to you prefer? These books that you also love. What kind of books do you prefer? Those books that tell of voyages. I like those people. I like them (those types). He is always like that. How many people were here? As many as yesterday. As many as yesterday.)

§47. Li neutri form por coses e factes es: to, respondent al question: quo, de quel on forma: to-ci e to-ta.

To es mi libre. Yo save to (li facte, que to es tui líbre).

§47. The neutral form for things and facts is: to, responding to the question: quo, from which one forms: to-ci and to-ta.

To es mi libre. Yo save to (li facte, que to es tui líbre).

That is my book. I know that (the fact that that is your book).

§ 48. Li pronómin o articul lu servi por expresser to quo es impersonal, neutri o abstract. It significa generalmen: to quo es (li) . . .

De lu sublim a lu comic es sovente solmen un passu. Lu nov de ti conception es . ..

§ 48. The pronoun or article lu serves to express what is impersonal, neutral or abstract. It generally signifies: that which is (the)...

De lu sublim a lu comic es sovente solmen un passu. Lu nov de ti conception es . ..

From the sublime to the comic is often only one step.What is new of this conception is...

Pronómines relativ e interrogativ.

§ 49. On usa li sam pronómines, relativ e interrogativ, adjectivic e substantivic.

Relative and interrogative pronouns.

§ 49. One uses the same pronouns, relative and interrogative, adjectival and substantive.

§ 50. Li maxim general es: quel (plural: queles), usat por coses, factes e persones.

Quel cité es li maxim grand? Quel es li maxím grand cité? Queles es li maxim grand cités? Quel cités es li maxim grand? Li maxim bell flore quel yo conosse es li rose. Li maxim grand cités queles yo conosse es New York e London. Il ne save, quel grand cités il va vider.

§ 50. The most general is: quel (plural: queles), used for things, facts and people.

Which city is the largest? Which is the largest city? Which are the largest cities? Which cities are the largest? The most beautiful flower that I know is the rose. The largest cities that I know are New York and London. He doesn't know which large cities he will see.

§ 51. Por coses e factes on usa: quo, por persones: qui.

Quo vu víde? Quo vu vole far? Yo ne save, quo yo vole far. Yo ne comprende to quo il ha dit. Qui es ta? De qui es ti chapel? A qui tu dat li moné? Qui vu saluta? Qui saluta vos? Li amico, a qui vu dat li libre, esset content. Beat es tis, qui (o queles) ne vide, ma támen crede. Nor lingue fa un constant progress, quo (quel facte) tre joya me.

§ 51. For things and facts one uses: quo, for people: qui.

What do you see? What do you want to do? I don't know what I want to do. I don't understand what he has said. Who is that? Whose (of who) is that chapel? To whom are you giving the money? Who do you salute? Who salutes you? The friend, to whom you gave the book, was content. Happy are those who do not see but believe. Our language makes a constant progress, which (the fact of which) much pleases me.

§52. Si pluri relationes de un pronómin relativ es possibil, li ínmediat vale. Si un altri deve valer, on indica to per pronómines personal o demonstrativ, o per comma.

Yo videt li fratre de mi amico quel arivat yer. Yo videt li fratre de mi amico, il quel (o il qui) arivat yer. To es li sestra de mi amico, ella qui arivat yer. Yer yo videt li possessor del dom, qui (o il qui, o ti qui, o li quel, o ti quel) es in li cité. Yer yo videt li possessor del dom quel es in li cité. Yer yo videt li possessor del dom, quel es in Ii cíté.

§52. If multiple relationes of a relative pronoun are possible, the immediate* one counts*. If another should count, one indicates it with personal or demonstrative pronouns, or with a comma.

I saw the brother of my friend which arrived yesterday. I saw the brother of my friend, he that arrived yesterday. That is the sister of my friend, she who arrived yesterday. Yesterday I saw the owner of the house, who (or he who, that who, he which, or that which) is in the city. Yesterday I saw the owner of the house which is in the city. Yesterday I saw the owner of the house, which is in the city.

§53. Por expresser li qualitá on usa: qual, por li quantitá: quant.

Qual homes esset ci? Qual es li aqua hodíe, calid o frigid? Yo ne save qual it es. Qual compositor, tal musica. Quant il deve dar vos ancor? Yo ne save, quant il ha dat le. Quant vive, tant espera.

§53. To express quality one uses: qual, for quantity: quant.

What sort of people here here? How is the water today, hot or cold? I don't know how it is. What a composer, that music. How much of an encore should he give you? I don't know how much he gave him. With life there is hope (lit. how much life, that much hope).

Pronómines índefinit.

§54. Li prefix: al- da pronómines indicant alquó índeterminat, li prefix: ne- tales indicant li absentie, li negation, e li sufix: -cunc fa definit pronómines relativ índefinit.

alquel, alqual, alquant, alquó, alquí, alcun, nequel, nequal, nequó, nequí, necos, necun, quelcunc, qualcunc, quantcunc, quocunc, quicunc.

Si alcun fémina parla pri alquó, ella pensa pri alquí. Quicunc va venir, yo ne es in hem. Quocunc vu di, ples dir li veritá! Quelcunc labor vu fa, e in qualcunc maniere e por quicunc, ples far it bon! A quicunc tu da li moné, da it solmen contra quittantie.

Indefinite pronouns.

§54. The prefix: al- gives ndicating* pronouns something indetermined, the prefix: ne- indicates the absence or negation and the suffix: -cunc makes definite pronouns relative indefined**.

alquel, alqual, alquant, alquó, alquí, alcun, nequel, nequal, nequó, nequí, necos, necun, quelcunc, qualcunc, quantcunc, quocunc, quicunc.

If some girl talks about something, she thinks about somebody. Whoever will come, I won't be at home. Whatever you say, please speak the truth! Whichever task you do, and in whatever manner and for whoever, please do it well! To whomever you give the money, give it only against a receipt.

§55. Altri pronómines índefinit es:

On, self, li sam, quelc, null, chascun, omni, omnicos, ambi, altri, altricos, céteri, pluri, mult, poc, un poc, cert, un cert, mani, singul, tot.

Yo prefere far it self. Ili retornat in li sam loc. Chascun hom es forjero de su propri fortun. Ples dar me quelc libres; yo have quelc líber hores por leer. Pleser a omnes on ne posse, es arte quel nequí conosse. Ja pluri annus yo vive in ti cité. Il have poc espera. Il have un poc espera. Yo conosse un cert senior Blanc; ma yo ne es cert, esque il es ci. It es tot egal, ca vu vide li tot munde o quelc partes de it.

§55. Other indefinite pronouns are:

On, self, li sam, quelc, null, chascun, omni, omnicos, ambi, altri, altricos, céteri, pluri, mult, poc, un poc, cert, un cert, mani, singul, tot.

I prefer to do it myself. They returned in the same location. Each person is the forger of their own fortune. Please give me some books; I have some hours free for reading. One cannot please everyone, it's an art that no one knows. I have lived in the city for many years. He has little hope. He has a little hope. I know a certain Mr. Blanc; but I'm not sure if this is him. It's all the same whether you see the whole world or some parts of it.


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