The rebirth of Indo-European (La rinascita dell’indoeuropeo) - Italian blog post on the Dnghu Modern Indo-European project

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Here's a post from the very end of September that I just noticed on the forum at from an Italian research centre (I think) devoted to "the Indo-Europeans: origins, migrations and civilization at the light of archaeology and comparative linguistics". I thought I'd give a translation of the post a go.

It also has a number of articles in other languages including English, such as this one on the Indo-European religion.

A Badajoz, una città spagnola vicina al confine portoghese, ha sede il Gruppo Dnghu. In protondoeuropeo questa parola significa “lingua” (cfr. l’inglese tongue o l’italiano lingua). L’obiettivo di Dnghu è la vera e propria rinascita della lingua indoeuropea, oltre i ristretti confini della specializzazione accademica e filologica. A lungo termine, Dnghu si propone di fare dell’indoeuropeo la lingua ufficiale dell’Unione Europea.
In Badajoz, a Spanish city close to the Portuguese border, is the seat of the Dnghu Group. In Proto Indo-European this word means "language" (cf. English tongue or Italian lingua). The object of Dnghu is the real and proper rebirth of the Indo-European language, beyond the narrow confines of academic and philological specialization. In the long term, Dnghu proposes making Indo-European the official language of the European Union.
Dnghu è una Fondazione, ed è finanziata da un’istituzione spagnola privata educativa (Biblos); il suo lavoro è sostenuto dai professori dell’Università di Extremadura. Inoltre il governo regionale di Extremadura attualmente sta studiando se costituire un fondo per Dnghu ed i relativi progetti.
Dnghu is a foundation, and is financed by a private Spanish educational institution (Biblos); its work is supported by professors of the University of Extremadura. In addition, the regional government of Extremadura is currently studying whether to establish a fund for Dnghu and relative projects.
Scorrendo le pagine del sito di Dnghu si può trarre una prima idea del grosso lavoro che è già stato fatto sinora.
Going through the pages of the Dnghu site you can get an idea of the great work that has already been done so far.
In primo luogo, è stata pubblicata una significativa Grammatica dell’Indoeuropeo Moderno (A Grammar of Modern Indo-European), a cura di Carlos Quiles (in indoeuropeo, Karlos Kuriaki), già inviata gratuitamente a numerosissime biblioteche pubbliche e universitarie: si può anche vedere una mappa della distribuzione. Si tratta di un work in progress, recentemente aperto alla collaborazione degli studiosi. E’ un lavoro molto accurato, che affianca a un’ampia introduzione storico-linguistica di carattere generale la grammatica vera e propria dell’indoeuropeo ricostruito negli ultimi due secoli.
First was published a significant Grammar of Modern Indo-European, edited by Carlos Quiles (Karlos Kuriaki in Indo-European), already sent free of cost to numerous public libraries and universities: you can also view a map of the distribution. This is a work in progress, recently open to the collaboration of scholars. It is a very thorough work, that supports a broad historical and linguistic introduction of the general character of the real grammar of Indo-European, reconstructed in the last two centuries.
La Fondazione ha inoltre meritoriamente messo a disposizione per il download in formato PDF alcuni testi capitali della linguistica indoeuropea, primo fra tutti il celebre Dizionario etimologico dell’indoeuropeo di Julius Pokorny, una fonte datata, ma tutt’oggi insuperata, per lo studio dell’indoeuropeo. Si possono inoltre scaricare liberamente altri testi, tra cui la favola-filastrocca di Schleicher, e persino passi biblici tradotti in indoeuropeo.
The Foundation has also made available a number of Indo-European linguistic texts for download as PDF, first of all the famous etymological dictionary of Indo-European by Julius Pokorny, a dated source, but still unsurpassed today for the study of Indo-European. You can also download other texts, including Schleicher's tale, and even biblical passages translated into Indo-European.
Inoltre l’associazione si ripromette di organizzare incontri, convegni, presentazioni per fare conoscere e diffondere il progetto.
In addition, the association seeks to organize meetings, conferences, and presentations to publicize and spread the project.
Per concludere, riporto la traduzione di un breve passo dalla Prefazione alla Grammatica di Quiles:
To conclude, here is a translation of a brief passage from the preface to Quiles' grammar:
“Ciò che sappiamo è che l’idea di rivivificare il protoindoeuropeo come lingua moderna per l’Europa e organizzazioni internazionali non è pazzia, non è qualcosa di nuovo, che non significa una rivoluzione - come l’uso dello spanglish, del syndarin o dell’interlingua - né un involuzione - come il regionalismo, il nazionalismo, o il ritorno al predominio del francese, del tedesco o del latino - ma semplicemente una delle varie maniere in cui la politica linguistica dell’Unione Europea si può evolvere, e forse una maniera per unire popoli diversi e dalle diverse culture, lingue e religioni (dall’America all’Asia orientale) a causa della mancanza di metodi stabili di comunicazione. Questa sola piccola possibilità è sufficiente, per noi, per “perdere” alcuni anni nel tentativo di fare del nostro meglio per fare del (proto)indoeuropeo una lingua più utilizzabile e conosciuta possibile”.
(direct quote from the book here)

What we do know now is that the idea of reviving Proto-Indo-European as a modern language for Europe and international organizations is not madness, that it is not something new, that it doesn‘t mean a revolution – as the use of Spanglish, Syndarin or Interlingua –nor an involution – as regionalism, nationalism, or the come back to French, German or Latin predominance –, but merely one of the many different ways in which the European Union linguistic policy could evolve, and maybe one way to unite different peoples from different cultures, languages and religions (from the Americas to East Asia) for the sake of stable means of communication. Just that tiny possibility is enough for us to ―lose some years trying to give our best making the (Proto-)Indo-European language as usable and as known as possible.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind quoting of my article about the Dnghu project on your interesting blog.

Anonymous said...

We had a great tour in Italy with Viritalianlimo

languagelover said...

Carlos Quiles behind Dnghu is just an angry nut:

With aimless hate like that, I'll stick with Esperanto. Thanks but no thanks.

Me said...

Here's something I've learned early on - 99% of the time political ideas need to be put aside when promoting a language. On auxlang I agree politically with almost nobody there, but on the issue of IALs alone it's much easier to find common ground. Further splitting the movement by getting into personal concerns IMO is the wrong way to go.

And yes, I've read the back-and-forth there before and it's very boring. I filter out noise like that when considering the validity of linguistic projects.

Anonymous said...

Sellamat prients !

I had long ago participated in this discussion; Glen Gordon had behaved aggressively:
On the contrary, I could always say to C.Quilès what's right and what's wrong about PIE.
The most criticable, in my view, is that he provides links to near-fascist websites (please Dave, check the links on this post and disable them if they lead to nazi-like material or dishonored scientists like J.Haudry).
C.Quilès is not against other conlangs as he was the one who encouraged me to publish Sambahsa on the net.
Of course, I think Sambahsa is the best solution, which preserves its IE roots into a simple and learnable modern conlang (see the label "sambahsa-mundialect" by Dave)


Glen Gordon said...

Just saw the above comment. "Near-fascist websites"? What the hell is that? This 'Olivier' didn't even try to make that sound convincing. Fail.

I believe you trolls can do much better.

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