South Korea gives ambulances to Uzbekistan / Güney Kore'den Özbekistan'a ambulans yardımı

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Here's some news from Zaman on some aid being given from South Korea to Uzbekistan. Recently Uzbekistan has been on the radar a bit in Korea thanks to: 1) An Uzbek woman that came to Korea and became somewhat famous, and 2) Energy cooperation. Probably the former more than the latter (because they still don't know much about Kazakhstan).

By the way, Uzbek may be the easiest language for Koreans to learn. I have a great big Uzbek textbook in Korean here and it's pretty much Turkish minus all the complications (vowel harmony in particular). Here's what I added to the Korean Wikipedia to illustrate how the cases work:


복수형: -lar. 예: studentlar = 학생, opalar = 언니/누나, odamlar = 사람

I'm still undecided because Japanese is another language that is easy to learn, but given the lack of knowledge of hanja (Chinese characters) in Korea now, the Korean Japanese student is going to have to put a lot of time into learning them and it's hard to say whether the time spent learning hanja would be about equivalent to having to learn all the dissimilar vocabulary in Uzbek or not. My tentative conclusion is that they're about the same. The big difference of course is that Japan is rich and next door, and Uzbekistan is poor and far away, so I certainly wouldn't recommend learning Uzbek to my Korean friends unless they have a particular interest in the area. Turkish would be a much better language to go with (which is also not too hard for Koreans to pick up, certainly easier than Indo-European languages).

Now to the article:
Güney Kore'den Özbekistan'a ambulans yardımı
Ambulance aid from South Korea to Uzbekistan
Güney Kore hükümeti, Özbekistan'a 110 adet ambulans aracı hibe etti.
The South Korean government has donated 110 ambulances to Uzbekistan.
Güney Kore'nin Taşkent Büyükelçiliğinden yapılan açıklamada, Güney Kore hükümetinin Özbekistan'a 110 adet Hyundai marka ambulans aracı yardımında bulunduğu, bu araçların toplam değerinin 2,5 milyon doları bulduğu kaydedildi.
According to a statement made by South Korea's embassy in Tashkent, the South Korean government has aided Uzbekistan with 110 Hyundai ambulances, with a total value for these vehicles of 2.5 million dollars.
Açıklamada, söz konusu yardım çerçevesinde 220 bin dolarlık yedek parçanın da teslim edildiği, ayrıca Güney Koreli uzmanların araçların kullanımıyla ilgili olarak Özbek görevlilere eğitim vereceği ifade edildi.
In the statement it was said that $220,000 dollars worth of spare parts were delivered in the aid, and that South Korean specialists would educate Uzbek employees on using the vehicles.
Güney Kore'nin Özbekistan'da sağlık sektörünün geliştirilmesiyle ilgili projelerde faal olarak yer aldığı belirtilen açıklamada, Özbek uzmanların her yıl Güney Kore'nin Uluslararası İşbirliği Kurumu (KOICA) tarafından düzenlenen seminerlere katıldığı hatırlatıldı.
In a statement on South Korea's activity in projects for the development of Uzbekistan's health sector, it was noted that Uzbek specialists participated in seminars every year prepared by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOCIA).


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