Harder to become a Norwegian citizen / Norveç vatandaşı olmak zorlaşıyor

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Borgund stave church (Norwegian: Borgund stavkirke) is a stave church located in Borgund, Lærdal, Norway. It is classified as a triple nave stave church of the so-called Sogn-type. This is also the best preserved of Norway's 28 extant stave churches. It was probably built in the end of the 12th century, and has not changed structure or had a major reconstruction since that date.

I think this is good news, especially the part about having to pass a Norwegian language test, because Norwegian is a language that doesn't get the respect it deserves especially for a country with the 2nd highest GDP per capita in the world. Taking the test would probably be annoying for anyone that has already spent at least seven of the past ten years in the country and already speaks the language perfectly, and there's also the matter of not giving dual citizenship, which is also something that should be allowed. Dual citizenship with high standards is generally the best way to go, because obtaining citizenship from one country is a completely different matter from discarding your other citizenship. Note an example in this article here, where a German citizen that has moved to Norway would like to get citizenship but can't bring herself to give up her German one in exchange:
Rebekka Borsch, who moved to Norway from Germany, is among them. Borsch, writing in a commentary in newspaper Aftenposten last weekend, argued that Norwegian authorities should open up for dual citizenship like many other countries do around the world.

"I speak, think and live Norwegian, and I feel at home in Norway," she wrote. "All the same, I can't be like most Norwegians, because part of me is German ... How can I give up one or the other?"

Borsch noted that in order to become a Norwegian citizen, she'd have to give up her German citizenship. "What's so dangerous with giving someone like me, who has a dual identity, dual citizenship?" she asked. "Why do I have to cut my roots, become completely new, to be Norwegian?"
The article is from Sabah and is Turkish, so don't forget you can listen to an electronic voice approximation of the article if you're studying Turkish and want to hear what it sounds like.

Norveç vatandaşı olmak zorlaşıyor
Harder to become a Norwegian citizen
1 Eylül'den itibaren Norveç vatandaşlığı için başvuru yapanlar Norveççe yeterliliğini ispatlamak zorunda olacak. Bunun yanı sıra başvuru sahiplerinin 2 bin 500 Norveç Kronu (550 YTL) ödemesi gerekiyor.
Starting the 1st of September those applying to become Norwegian citizens will have to prove their competence in Norwegian. Along with this those applying will have to pay 2,500 Norwegian Krone ($460).
Norveç, vatandaşlık başvurularını zorlaştırıyor. 18-55 yaş arasında Norveç vatandaşlığına başvuracak herkes, 1 Eylül itibariyle, 300 saat Norveççe kursunu başarıyla geçtiğini belgelemek zorunda. Bu kursun toplam tutarı 15 bin Norveç Kronu (Üç bin 300 YTL) civarında.
Norway is making it more difficult to apply for citizenship. Those between the ages of 18 and 55 applying for Norwegian citizenship starting September 1st will have to document accomplishing 300 hours of Norwegian languages courses. The total sum for this course is about 15,000 Norwegian Krone ($2,770).
Vatandaşlık başvurusunda bulunan adayların, dil yeterliliğini ispatlayamadıkları takdirde, üniversiteler veya halk eğitim merkezleri tarafından yapılan dil sınavından geçmeleri gerekiyor.
Candidates applying for citizenship as proof of their competence in the language will have to go through language classes in universities or common educational centres.
Geçtiğimiz yıl 4 bin kişi Norveç vatandaşlığı için başvuruda bulundu. Başvuru yaptıkları tarihte dil yeterliliği ön şartı olmadığından dolayı, başvuranların büyük çoğunluğu vatandaşlık hakkına sahip oldu.
In the past year 4,000 people applied for Norwegian citizenship. When they applied competence in language was not a prerequisite, giving citizenship to a large number of applicants.
Dil yeterliliğinin yanı sıra, adaylar son 10 yılın en az 7 yılında Norveç'te yaşamış olmak zorunda. Ayrıca, adaylar Norveç vatandaşı olduğu takdirde önceki vatandaşlığını iptal ettirmek durumunda. Yeni düzenlemeyle birlikte, çifte vatandaş olma hakkı tamamen ortadan kalkmış oluyor.
Along with competence in language, candidates must have lived 7 of the past 10 years in Norway. Also, to merit Norwegian citizenship candidates must also cancel their previous citizenship. With the new arrangement, the right to citizenship for one's spouse has completely disappeared.
Norveç vatandaşı olduktan sonra her yıl devlet tarafından düzenlenen vatandaşlık kutlama seremonilerine dileyen katılabilmekte. Katılım için bir zorunluluk bulunmuyor.
After becoming a Norwegian citizen those that wish can join in a celebratory ceremony prepared by the state. There is no obligation to attend.


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