Uzbekistan's economy increases by 9.3% over first six months this year / Özbekistan ilk 6 ayda yüzde 9.3 büyüdü

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I noticed three articles on Uzbekistan that I missed over the past two weeks or so. This first one is from late July and is nothing but good news on the economy in Uzbekistan. They are, of course, still working from a very low baseline so 9.3% growth is still not earthshaking. Kazakhstan has an economy five times the size of that in Uzbekistan for example in spite of having a lower population.

Özbekistan ilk 6 ayda yüzde 9.3 büyüdü
Uzbekistan's economy increases by 9.3% over first six months (this year)
Özbekistan Başbakanı Şevket Mirziyayev, 2008 yılının ilk yarısında ülke ekonomisinin yüzde 9,3 oranda büyüdüğünü açıkladı.
Uzbekistan's prime minister Shavket Mirziyoyev announced that the country's economy increased by 9.3% during the first half of 2008.
Mirziyayev, Bakanlar Kurulu toplantısında yaptığı konuşmasında, ilk yarıda ihracatın yüzde 50, sanayi üretiminin yüzde 12,2 arttığını, tarım sektörünün yüzde 5,4 büyüdüğünü belirtti.
In a talk to the gathered Committee of Ministers, Mirziyoyev said that during the first half exports had grown by 50%, industrial production had grown by 12.2%, and the agricultural sector had grown by 5.4%.
Altı ayda ayrıca tüketim malları üretiminin yüzde 16,6, perakende satış hacminin yüzde 14,4 oranda arttığını, hizmetler sektörünün yüzde 18,9 büyüdüğünü ifade eden Mirziyayev, bu dönemde ihracat hacminin yüzde 50 oranda arttığını ve bunun sonucunda dış ticaret hacminin istikrarlı olarak büyüdüğünü kaydetti.
Mirziyoyev also said that during the first six months consumer goods production had increased by 16.6%, retail selling volume by 14.4%, and the service sector by 18.9%. He said that export volume had also increased by 50% during this period, showing as a result that external trade volume was growing steadily.
Mirziyayev, yılın ilk yarısında bütçenin yüzde 1,8 oranında fazla verdiğini, enflasyon oranının öngörülen parametreleri aşmadığını ifade ederken, bu dönemde ülke ekonomisine yapılan toplam yatırım hacminin yüzde 19,8, doğrudan yabancı yatırımlar hacmi ise yüzde 29,4 oranda arttığını anlattı.
Mirziyoyev explained that during the first half of the year the budget had a surplus of 1.8% and that the inflation rate had not exceeded expected parameters, and also that the total volume of investment into the economy in this period had increased by 19.8% and that direct foreign investment volume had increased by 29.4%.


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