Suspicious explosion on Georgian railway line / Gürcistan demiryolu hattında şüpheli patlama

Monday, August 25, 2008

Shiomgvime Monastery in Georgia (unrelated to this article).

Here's a piece of news in Turkish that appeared one hour ago (the article, not the explosion) on Don't forget if you're learning Turkish that you can also listen to a TTS (text to speech) version of most articles by clicking on "Haberi dinle" (listen to the news).

Gürcistan demiryolu hattında şüpheli patlama
Suspicious bombing on Georgian railway line

Kafkas krizi sonrası Rus Ordusu Gürcistan'ın Gori kentinden çekilirken dün stratejik öneme sahip bir demiryolu hattında yaşanan patlama akıllara 'Mayın mı döşendi' sorusunu getirdi.
As the Russian army pulls out of Georgia's city of Gori after the crisis in the Caucasus the question of whether a mine was laid in an explosion yesterday on a railway line of strategic importance.
Azerbaycan'dan akaryakıt taşıyan bir yük treni dün Gori'den geçerken patladı. Trenin 2 akaryakıt tankeri havaya uçtu. İçişleri Bakanlığı sözcüsü Şota Utiaşvili "Demiryolu üzerine Rus askerlerince mayın döşenmiş olabilir" dedi. Demiryolu hattının üçüncü kolu Türkiye'ye uzanıyor. Patlamada iki ev de ağır hasar gördü. Ölen ya da yaralanan ise olmadı.
A freight train yesterday carrying fuel oil from Azerbaijan exploded as it passed Gori. Two of the train's fuel oil tankers flew into the sky. Foreign Minister spokesperson Shota Utiashvili said that "Russian soldiers could have laid the mine on the tracks." The third arm of the railway leads to Turkey. Two houses also saw heavy damage in the explosion. No one was killed or injured.


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