Iran wants 50,000 tons of Turkish cement / İran çimento istiyor

Monday, August 04, 2008

Very short piece of news translated from Turkish from Yeni Çağ that deals entirely with cement, Iran and Turkey. For more information on total trade volume between the countries, see this article.

İran’ın, Türkiye’den çimento ithal edeceği bildirildi.
Iran will be importing cement from Turkey.
İran, çimento ihtiyacını karşılamak için ilk etapta Türkiye’den 50 bin ton çimento ithal edecek.
In the first stage of Iran's dealing with its need for cement it will be importing 50 thousand tons of cement from Turkey.
İlk parti çimentonun 15 gün içinde alınması planlanırken, yerli özel şirketler uygun fiyat teklif etmeleri halinde çimento ithal edebilecek.
The two parties plan for the cement to be obtained within 15 years, and local private companies will be able to import the cement through proposing suitable prices.


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