Wikipedia article on the Battle of Goliad / Batalla de Goliad translated into Interlingua

Friday, July 18, 2008

Presidio La Bahía

Another attempt today to get attention paid to international auxiliary languages by translating prominent Wikipedia articles into Interlingua. Today's article is about the Battle of Goliad, an extremely small battle during the Texas Revolution that resulted in an immediate surrender. This article is going up on the did you know...? section of the Main Page in a few hours and I translated the Spanish version, because it's in Spanish and Italian as well as English, and the English is too long, the Italian is too short, but the Spanish size was just right. That means that the English here in the chart is only provided for information and context on the article, but it wasn't used in the translation at all and is very different from the Spanish and the Interlingua translation.

Edit: The extra column for the English version messed up the formatting a bit, so I'm putting it at the bottom instead. Don't forget that it's not even half of the entire English article now, just the parts that provide the most context for the Spanish and Interlingua versions.

Spanish Interlingua

La Batalla de Goliad fue una enfrentamiento entre las fuerzas mexicanas y las fuerzas de Texas durante el conflicto de la Independencia de Texas. La batalla comenzó el 9 de octubre.

Le Battalia de Goliad esseva un confrontation inter le fortias mexican e le fortias de Texas durante le conflicto del independentia de Texas. Le battalia comenciava le 9 de octobre.


El estado mexicano de Coahuila y Texas se encontraba en una rebelión en contra del gobierno mexicano. La mitad de Texas, de lo que hoy es el estado estadounidense exigía separarse de Coahuila. Texas, era un estado lejano a las fuerzas militares mexicanas y se encontraba asentado principalmente por inmigrantes del sur de los Estados Unidos y además la región había sido buscada durante mucho tiempo por los presidentes estadounidenses que la deseaban añadir como expansión a su país. El ascenso al poder de Antonio López de Santa Anna da lugar al comienzo de la Independencia de Texas.


Le stato mexican de Coahuila e Texas esseva in un rebellion contra le governamento mexican. Le medietate de Texas, que hodie es situada in le Statos Unite, demandava su separation de Coahuila. Texas esseva un stato distante al fortias militar de mexicao e primarimente esseva establite per immigrantes del sud del Statos Unite, e etiam le region habeva essite desirate durante multe tempore per le presidentes del Statos Unite, qui voleva le expansion a su pais. Le ascension a poter de Antonio López de Santa Anna dirigeva al comenciamento del Independentia de Texas.


En Texas, bajo la dirección del capitán George M. Collinsworth reunieron en Matagorda para marchar a Goliad desde allí atacar a las fuerzas mexicanas del General Martín Perfecto de Cos. Alrededor de cincuenta rebeldes texanos arribaron a Goliad sólo para descubrir que Cos había dejado Goliad y que cuatro días antes marchó en su camino a San Antonio de Béjar.


In Texas, sub le direction del capitano George M. Collinsworth illes se reuniva in Matagorda pro marchar a Goliad, e alora pro attaccar le fortias mexican del General Martín Perfecto de Cos. Circa cinquanta texanos arrivava a Goliad solo pro discoperir que Cos habeva quitate Goliad e que quatro dies ante marchava in su cammino a San Antonia de Béjar.


Las fuerzas texanas sufrieron en total uno o dos hombres heridos, mientras que las pérdidas mexicanas fueron de tres muertos, siete heridos y 21 hombres tomados prisioneros.


Le fortias texan suffreva in total un o duo homines ferite, durante que le perditas mexican esseva tres mortes, septe ferite e 21 homines tomate prisioneros.


The Battle of Goliad occurred in the early-morning hours of October 10, 1835 at Presidio La Bahía outside of Goliad.

In 1835, Mexico operated two major garrisons within Texas, the Alamo at San Antonio de Bexar and Presidio La Bahía near Goliad. Bexar was the political center of Texas, and Goliad lay halfway between it and the major Texas port at Copano Bay. The quickest, and easiest, method of sending men or supplies to Texas from the rest of Mexico was by sea to Copano Bay and then overland to the Texas settlements.

When the Texians had finally reached within 1 mile (1.6 km) of Goliad, they sent a messenger to instruct the alcade of the city to surrender. At 11 pm, the alcade responded that the town would remain neutral, neither surrendering nor fighting. Several of the locals did, however, supply axes to the Texian militia. In the pre-dawn hours of October 10, the Texians attacked. The Texians quickly hacked through a door on the north wall of the fortress and ran to the interior courtyard. Hearing the commotion, the Mexican soldiers had lined the walls to defend the fort.

The Mexican soldiers opened fire, hitting Samuel McCulloch, a slave whom George Collingsworth had freed, in the shoulder. Texians returned fire for approximately 30 min. During a pause in the fighting, a Texian spokesperson yelled out that the Texians would "massacre everyone of you, unless you come out immediately and surrender." The Mexican garrison immediately surrendered.

McCulloch was the only Texian soldier to be wounded, and he later claimed to be the "first whose blood was shed in the Texas War for Independence." Estimates of Mexican casualties range from one to three soldiers killed and from three to seven wounded. Approximately 20 soldiers escaped. They warned the garrisons at Copano and Refugio of the advancing Texians; those garrisons abandoned their posts and joined the soldiers at Fort Lipantitlán.


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