Popularity of Colombian president rises to 91% / Popularidad de presidente colombiano subió a 91% / Popularitá de presidente de Colombia ascende a 91%

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Location of Colombia

Here's another article translated from Spanish into English and then into an IAL, this time Occidental. These are not only to translate news into English but also to show what news releases will look like in a near future where an IAL has been approved for worldwide use and is beginning to appear alongside other languages. Still being a beginner at Occidental and not having as many resources for the language as I would like, I'm going to have to get this one corrected as well.

91% popularity is insanely high, however. George Bush had that for a tiny period after 9/11 but that went down soon enough; Uribe was already up around 80% before this. Must be nice. Here's the original article in Spanish.

English Español Occidental
Popularity of Colombian president rises to 91%
Popularidad de presidente colombiano subió a 91% Popularitá de presidente de Colombia ascende a 91%
The popularity of the Colombian president, Álvaro Uribe, reached a record of 91% after the rescue of the Colombian-French Ingrid Betancourt and 14 other hostages of FARC guerrillas, according to a survey revealed today by the newspaper El Espectador.

La popularidad del presidente colombiano, Álvaro Uribe, llegó al récord de 91% tras el rescate de la colombo-francesa Ingrid Betancourt y otros 14 rehenes de la guerrilla de las FARC, según una encuesta revelada hoy por el diario El Espectador.

Li popularitá del presidente de Colombia, Álvaro Uribe, atinget un record de 91% pos li salvation del colombo-francese Ingrid Betancourt e 14 altri ostages del guerrilleros de FARC, secun un inspection revelat hodie del jurnale El Espectador.
The survey of the private company Ipsos-Napoleón Franco signalled that Uribe's favorable image rose eight points with respect to that before the military operation on Wednesday in which Betancourt, three Americans and 11 security members of the Colombian forces were freed.
El sondeo de la firma privada Ipsos-Napoleón Franco señaló que la imagen favorable de Uribe subió ocho puntos con respecto a una medición anterior al operativo militar del miércoles en que fueron liberados Betancourt, tres estadounidenses y 11miembros de las fuerzas de seguridad colombianas.Li inspection del privat companie Ipsos-Napoleón Franco signalat que li favorabil image de Uribe ascende ott punctus comparat a ante li militari operation a mercurdí u Betancourt, tri americanes e 11 membres del forties de securitá de Colombia esset liberat.
The survey notes that the negative perception of the president fell from 22% to 7% after Operation 'Jaque', where the military infiltrated the compound and convinced the hijacker command to transfer the captives to a helicopter that was actually that of the army.
La consulta señala que la percepción negativa del mandatario bajó de 22% a 7% tras la operación 'Jaque', mediante la cual los militares infiltraron a la cúpula y al comando secuestrador convenciéndolos de trasladar a los cautivos en un helicóptero que en realidad era del Ejército.Li inspection nota que li negativ perception del presidente cadet de 22% a 7% pos Operation 'Jaque', u li militari infiltrat li complex e convictet li commande del raptores* transfer li prisioneros a un helicopter quel esset in realitá del militari.
It also indicates that 87% of those interviewed believe that things in Colombia are on the right track, compared to 60% that thought so before the operation.
Asimismo, indica que el 87% de los entrevistados considera que las cosas en Colombia van por buen camino, frente a 60% que tenía esa idea antes del operativo.It anc indica que 87% del tis qui esset intervidet crede que coses in Colombia ea a ver direction, comparat a 60% qui pensat talmen ante li operation.
Intent to vote for Uribe also increased from 69% to 79%, given a case where he decides to run for a third four-year mandate in 2010, added the study, done between 1,204 people of majority age in 11 cities in the country, and with a reliability of 95%.
La intención de voto a Uribe también creció con el rescate de 69% al 79%, en caso que decida postularse para un tercer mandato de cuatro años a partir de 2010, agregó el estudio, realizado entre 1.204 personas mayores de edad en 11 ciudades del país, y con una confiabilidad del 95%.Intention votar a Uribe anc acrescet de 69% a 79%, in li casu que il decide provar por un triesim mandate de tri annus in 2010, adjuntet li inspection, fat ínter 1,204 persones de etá de majoritá in li pais, e con un fidibilitá de 95%.


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