Gas pipeline in Kazakhstan from the Caspian Sea to China / Se inicia en Kazajistán la construcción del gaseoducto entre el Caspio y China

Monday, July 14, 2008

Image:Aktau port.jpg
Aktau seaport on the Caspian Sea - Porto del mar Aktau sur le mar Caspian.

I never noticed this site before, but seems to be a site with news in eight languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic), but also with video for each of them. Not only that, but each of the articles are synchronized so if you are looking at the German video for a certain article for example and you click on the French button at the top you now get to hear the French version of the same thing without having to search again for the article. The articles aren't word-for-word the exact same thing though, so it's worth it to look at an article in a few languages to see if you can pick out any information that might not have been available in a single language.

Here's an article in Spanish from there on a gas pipeline from the Caspian Sea to China, that I've translated into both English and Interlingua.

Español English Interlingua

Bajo el tórrido sol de la estepa cerca de Almaty han flameado las banderas kazajas y chinas para marcar con solemnidad la contrucción del primer gaseoducto destinado a surtir a la República Popular. Un proyecto de gran valor político para los países implicados, pues supone cortocircuitar a la rusa Gazprom, principal suministradora de gas de Asia Central.

Under the heat of the sun of the steppes around Almaty fly the Kazakh and Chinese flags to mark with solemnity the construction of the first pipeline to provide to the People's Republic. A project of great political value for the countries involved, which will then be a shortcut to the Russian Gazprom, the main supplier of gas from Central Asia.
Sub un sol torride del steppas circa Almaty flotta le bandieras kazak e chinese pro marcar con solemnitate le construction del prime gasoducto destinate a provider al Republica Popular. Illo es un projecto de grande valor pro le paises implicate, supponite a secar curte le russe Gazprom, le principal fornitor de gas de Asia Central.

La serpiente de acero de 7.000 kilómetros partirá de Turkmenistán, atravesará Uzbekistán y Kazajistán para penetrar en el Sinkiang chino.

The steel serpent of about 7,000 kilometres will depart from Turkmenistan, traverse Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to make its way into Sinkiang in China.
Le serpente de aciero de 7,000 kilometros partira de Turkmenistan, transversara Uzbekistan e Kazakhstan pro penetrar Sinkiang de China.

Kazajistán se propone conectar un ramal al gaseoducto para nutrirlo con sus propios yacimientos de gas cerca del Caspio.

Kazakhstan intends to connect a branch to the gas pipeline to nurture it with its own gas fields around the Caspian Sea.
Kazakhstan propone connecter un ramo al gasoducto pro lo nutrir con su proprie campos de gas circa le Caspian.

Podrá suministrar a partir de 2010 cerca de 4.500 millones de metros cúbicos de gas al año, hasta llegar a una capacidad máxima de 40.000 millones desde el año 2013.

From 2010 it may provide around 4,500 million cubic metres of gas per year, reaching a maximum capacity of 40,000 million from the year 2013.
Illo potera fornir de 2010 circa 4,500 million metros cubic de gas cata anno, e attingera un capacitate maxime de 40,000 million del anno 2013.


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