What do two colliding galaxies look like? / Abrazo gravitacional de galaxias

Saturday, June 28, 2008

They look like this:

The Gemini Observatory has taken quite a nice picture of two galaxies that have begun to collide. The two are 90 million light-years away from us (the closest to us, the Andromeda Galaxy, is 2 million LY away), and only 60,000 light-years away from each other, which is quite close.

We will also be colliding with the Andromeda Galaxy in a few billion years. It'll be interesting to see the sky a few hundred million years before that happens, because it'll keep on getting brighter and brighter in the sky as it approaches. When galaxies collide though there's so much distance between stars that they almost never actually collide with each other, but just affect each other gravitationally and then combine to become a super large single galaxy. Of course by then the sun will also be a red giant and Earth will be gone. I think.

Also, the Gemini Observatory is located in Chile as well which means they give out news releases in Spanish at the same time, and with the additional reference it makes it a lot easier to write up the news reports in a language like Occidental. I wrote up part of the press release in Occidental on the right for fun, because later on that's what press releases might look like after an IAL makes it big.

I'm not very good at Occidental though so I'm going to get it checked, and then I'll remove this line.

English Spanish Occidental
In what appears to be a masterful illusion, astronomers at Gemini Observatory have imaged two nearly identical spiral galaxies in Virgo, 90 million light years distant, in the early stages of a gentle gravitational embrace. The new image was obtained at the Gemini South telescope in Chile using GMOS, the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph. En lo que parece ser una ilusión magistral, los astrónomos del Observatorio Gemini han captado dos galaxias espirales casi idénticas en Virgo, a una distancia de 90 millones de años luz, en los inicios de un abrazo gravitacional. La nueva imagen fue captada en el telescopio de Gemini Sur en Chile utilizando GMOS, el espectrógrafo Multi- Objetivo de Gemini. In to quo sembla esser un ilusion expert, li astronomes del Observatoria Gemini ha captet du identic galaxes spiral in Virgo, a un distantie de 90 million luce-annus, in li comense de un suavi inbrassada gravitational. Li nov image esset captet in li telescop de Gemini Sude in Chile usant GMOS, li spectrograf Multi-Objetal de Gemini.
Like two skaters grabbing hands while passing, NGC 5427 (the nearly open-faced spiral galaxy at lower left) and its southern twin NGC 5426 (the more oblique galaxy at upper right), are in the throes of a slow but disturbing interaction – one that could take a hundred million years to complete. Al igual que dos patinadores tomados de las manos mientras avanzan, NGC 5427 (la galaxia espiral de frente casi abierto del lado izquierdo inferior) y su gemelo de más al sur NGC 5426 (la galaxia más oblicua del lado izquierdo superior), se encuentran en los arbores de una lenta pero inquietante interacción - una que podría tomar millones de años para completarse. Simil a du patinatores captent lor manus in passada, NGC 5427 (li galaxe spiral de facie apert al levul inferiori) e su gemelle de sude (li galaxe plu obliqui del látere dextri superiori), es in li dolores de un lent ma turbant interaction - un que posse prender plu quam cent million annus a compleer.
At a glance, these twin galaxies -- which have similar masses, structures, and shapes and are together known as Arp 271 – appear undisturbed. But recent studies have shown that the mutual pull of gravity has already begun to alter and distort their visible features. Al mirarlas, estas galaxias gemelas - que poseen masas, estructuras y formas similares, conocidas en conjunto como Arp 271- parecieran no estar afectadas. Pero estudios recientes, han mostrado que el mutuo forcejeo de gravedad ya ha comenzado a alterar y distorsionar sus formas visibles. Regardant les, tis galaxes -- que have simil masses, structuras e formes e junt es conosset quam Arp 271 -- sembla ne-disturbat. Ma recent studies ha monstrat que li mutual tira de gravitá ja ha comensat alterar e deformar lor formas visibil.


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