Nonni e Manni: part 4

Friday, May 02, 2008

Time for part 4 of the Ido translation of this Icelandic tale from German. Here are the other two parts. Also don't forget that I'm trying to make the English as close to the original Ido as possible so sometimes it'll be awkward on purpose.

-- Tu es just, amiketo. En ica noti es quaze misterioza sorco. Mem bestii subisas influo de oli. On povas, per fluto, charmar serpenti, rati, e mem mar-fishi. On dicas ke en Germania viro nomata akompanigis su tamoyene dal tota rataro dil urbo.
You are correct, little friend. In this note it is like a mysterious sorcery. Even beasts submit to their influence. One can, with a flute, charm serpents, rats, and even sea fish. It's said that in Germany a man named (note: this is obviously the pied piper) had himself accompanied in that way by all the rats in the city.
Astonegite, me questionis:
Astonished, I asked:
"Vere vera? Kad on povas, quale vu asertis, atraktar anke fishi?"
"Is that really real? Can one, like you assert, attract also fish?"
-- He! yes, certe yes!
Heh! Yes, certainly yes!
-- Nu! quik dicez a me quale on mustas procedar.
Okay! Tell me now how one must proceed.
-- On adiras solitara loko maral, ibe on restas tranquile e komencas plear: soni lenta e penetranta maxim bone sucesas. Se la pleo duras sat longe, fishi venas adsurface; li arivas lente e de omna lateri; li askoltas, askoltas, pose sequas la barko irgube ol iras.
One approaches a solitary marine location, there one stays tranquil and begins to play: slow and penetrating sounds succeed the best. If the playing lasts long enough, fish come to the surface; they arrive slowly and from all sides; they listen, listen, and afterwards follow the boat wherever it goes.


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