Aus Martins Tagebuch: an interlinear translation

Monday, March 10, 2014

As I mentioned a few days ago, I have been working on a new interlinear translation for the past two weeks or so, and have just finished it. It is nowhere near as large a project as Demian and Kinderseele, so there was no reason to make it in paper form, or to charge for it. As a PR tool for the concept of interlinear translations, however, something this size is perfect. It is once again by Hermann Hesse and written during his Emil Sinclair period (my favourite - the other periods I find Hesse to be quite hit and miss), and I first found it after buying the book Sinclairs Notizbuch.

There is one more essay in that book that I think I will make into an interlinear translation.

Also, this time I have not gotten Olivier Simon to do the Korrekturlesen (proofreading), so I invite readers to take a close look and see if they can spot anything wrong. As a non-paper document I can easily make any corrections and quickly reload, so there was no need to confirm it as being mistake-free before uploading.

By the way, this was a great way to begin reusing the English word ereyesterday, an obsolete word that needs to become unobsolete, and fast.

Und dann viel Spaß damit!


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