One more multilingual news site: Presseurop

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Or rather not just multilingual, but matching. Euronews and Setimes are two others I've mentioned before, and here is another one called Presseurop. That link goes to a Portuguese article on the lack of translators/interpreters in Brussels, and on the top right one can see cs, de, en, es, fr, it, nl, pl, pt, and ro. Clicking on that will take you to the respective article about the same subject.

Not only that, but they seem to be written in the same way, phrase by phrase. For example if we look at the same sentence in the five Romance languages available:

Desde que o ensino de línguas estrangeiras deixou de ser obrigatório no Reino Unido [em 2002], o interesse por outras línguas esmoreceu.

Desde que la enseñanza obligatoria de lenguas extranjeras fue abandonada en el Reino Unido [en 2002], el interés por otros idiomas disminuye.

Da quando nel Regno Unito è stato abbandonato l’insegnamento obbligatorio delle lingue straniere [nel 2002], l’interesse per le lingue è sempre più scarso.

Depuis que l’enseignement obligatoire des langues étrangères a été abandonné au Royaume-Uni [en 2002], l’intérêt pour d’autres langues faiblit.

După ce studiul obligatoriu al limbilor străine a fost abandonat în Marea Britanie [în 2002], interesul pentru alte limbi a scăzut.
The rest of the article is written in the same way.


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