Jojo sucht das Glück Season 2 is starting in a week

Friday, June 29, 2012

Deutsche Welle has announced that season 2 of Jojo sucht das Glück is about to begin, with the first episode in the new season coming out on the 5th of July. If you haven't seen the show before, here's an example of one of the episodes: it's a telenovela for German learners with episodes about three minutes in length apiece, with subtitles and pdf grammatical explanation aplenty. I think I must have been busy with something at the end of the last season as I only remember being annoyed by an incomplete ending and didn't realize that it was supposed to be a cliffhanger leading into the next season.

On a related note, I found out about a TV show from 2004 or so called Extr@ that is also very good for German learners, but this show was actually made for learners of other languages too: the English version was the longest, and French and Spanish versions were also made. That link goes to the full set for the German version, but being older and not very well promoted anymore it's more difficult to find it in French and Spanish. They do exist, but I haven't been able to find the entire series in one link as has been done with the German one.

Here's an example of one episode from the show. It's very clichéd and trite humour, but so much the better for learning the language at the intermediate level. Nothing's better than a nice predictable bit of comedy for the intermediate student.


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