World of Warcraft to be released in Italian (language #11)

Sunday, March 04, 2012

That's according to this article, which says:

L'italiano darà l'undicesima lingua supportata da World of Warcraft e la settima in Europa dopo inglese, tedesco, francese, spagnolo, russo, portoghese e brasiliano.

= Italian will be the eleventh language supported by World of Warcraft and the seventh in Europe, after English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese and Brazilian.

Not sure what "Portuguese and Brazilian" is.

There is a video to announce this:

Looking at the comments it seems that Italian users find the "il mio odio brucia nelle profondità cavernose" (my hatred burns in the cavernous depths) to be funny. No idea how awkward it sounds to an Italian native speaker.


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