Naver's new global phrasebook service

Friday, January 06, 2012

Korea's Naver (kind of like Google or Yahoo) just started a new service at where one can see and hear example phrases in a total of twelve languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish, German, Vietnamese, Russian, Italian, Thai, Indonesian, Arabic, and Mongolian. The interface is naturally in Korean but it's not too hard to navigate: first select the language:

then the category:

(from left to right: basic phrases, airport/airplane, hotel, restaurant, shopping, transit, travel, entertainment, on the phone, emergencies, hospital/pharmacy)

and then you can read and hear a number of phrases and their Korean equivalents. The most interesting of the twelve for me is Mongolian, considering its relative rarity. Inside Korea though there is no shortage of quite good Mongolian textbooks.


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