Support for a union between Spain and Portugal (Iberian Federation) continues to increase

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Readers may remember this article from 2009 on support in Spain and Portugal for a union between the two countries, where the support for a union was 30.3% in Spain and 40% in Portugal, much more than the 25% in Portugal just three years before in 2006.

It turns out that support is continuing to inch higher. Info from the article:
The number of those in Spain and Portugal in favour of an "Iberian Union" between their two countries is rising, according to the third Hispanic-Luso Barometer carried out by the University of Salamanca with the Centre of Investigation and Studies of Sociology in Lisbon.

The survey will be presented tomorrow, and shows that more in Portugal than in Spain are in favour of a union, although support for the idea continues to grow in both countries. According to the most recent barometer, 31% of those in Spain are in favour of some type of association, while 45.6% are in favour in Portugal.
For a few hundred comments in Spanish on the article, see this page on Meneame. Wikipedia's page on Iberismo has done most of the calculations for us, so here's roughly how it would measure up compared to other parts of the EU.


PlaceEU CountryArea
1France674.843 km²
2Iberia598.889 km²
3Sweden449.964 km²
4Germany357.050 km²
5Finland338.145 km²


PlaceEU CountryPopulation (2010)


PlaceCountry2010 GDP ($)
1USA14.264 trillion
2China7.916 trillion
3Japan4.354 trillion
4India3.288 trillion
5Germany2.910 trillion
6Russia2.260 trillion
7Brasil2.181 trillion
8UK2.181 trillion
9France2.146 trillion
10Italy1.771 trillion
11Iberia1.600 trillion


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